a p e s r h
Do 25 claps
did it wins 250 points
did 10 claps wins 10 points
did no claps wins 0 points
8 x 4 x 8
What does the "folk" refer to?
The People
I am a sign. I have 8 sides. What am I?
Stop Sign
p y j o r d e a
Count by 10's to 500
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 410 420 430 440 450 460 470 480 490 500
80 x 2 x 5
TRUE OR FALSE: Folk tales can be proven.
I am clear glass. I am put on a place. Who am I?
s q n i e o t u
Do 50 claps.
did it wins 550 points.
did 22 claps wins 22 points.
did no claps wins 0 points.
6 x 9 + 2 x 7
Say "hammer" 18 times.
did it wins 550 points.
did 9 times wins 220 points.
People using me for fun. People laugh about me because I am funny. Who am I?
e s t m n t a e t
Stand on one foot for 30 seconds.
did 15 seconds wins 250 points.
did 5-10 seconds winds 10 points.
5 x 50 x 2 x 3
Say "flashlight" 16 times.
did it wins 800 points.
did 8 times wins 320 points.
I have four wheels. I have four seats. Who am I?
d t l a i a r t i o n
Jump 65 times.
did it wins 1000 points.
did 26-55 jumps wins 260 points.
did 1-25 jumps wins 5 points.
4 x 6 x 8 x 9
Say "screwdriver" 14 times.
did it wins 1000 points.
did 7 times wins 400 points.
I have come after the first word from this symbol "?". I am a synonym of correct. Who am I?