Mental health
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0.6 - 0.9 mEq/L

Therapeutic level for lithium

A nurse finds a dementia client wandering around the facility. 

Do frequent checks and make sure their bathroom needs are met.


Person at the office is bragging about how he is the most important person in the company because he cam up with a new protocol that will save the company a lot of money.



This will be prescribed first for the treatment of PTSD, depression, and anxiety



A client that had a CVA or Spinal cord injury will have immobility issues. These are what they are at risk for due to the immobility issues.

Foot drop (place a foot board on the bottom of their bed), contractures, foot drop, decreased ROM, pressure ulcers, and breakdown of bone tissue.


Greater than 2.5 lithium toxicity manifestations

Seizures and oliguria


Client states that they are the most important person in the facility, that the FBI is watching them constantly, is pacing up and down the halls, states he wants to buy a new car when he gets out of there, and you see notated on his chart that he only slept 3 hours the night before. 

Manic phase of bipolar disorder


What is paresthesia?

Numbing or tingling sensation


Baclofen is used to treat muscle spasms. Name the adverse side effects of this medication

Somnolence, drowsiness, fatigue, and urinary incontinence 


The client has a fracture to their femur and presents with respiratory distress, decreased LOC, and petechiae on the abdomen and chest.

Fat embolus


Greater that 3.5 lithium toxicity manifestations

Delirium, cardiovascular collapse, coma, and death

A daughter brings in her 72 year old father stating that he is forgetting a lot of things especially recent events he was at, gets upset more than he ever has, and has started throwing things when they try to help him.



Person who comes to assist a client who had a stroke or spinal cord trauma with ADLs. They will teach them to use adaptive devices and strategies to help them with self-care, like cooking and eating.

Occupational therapist


Client with or at risk of osteoporosis will be prescribed these to help improve the breakdown of the bones.

Calcium and Vitamin D


The client is asked to bend over at the waist and let head and hands hang down, while the nurse observes the spine for any abnormal curvature

Monitoring for scoliosis


1.0 to 1.5 lithium toxicity level manifestations

Muscle weakness, fine hand tremors, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy


Client stated that it started with being irritable and impatient with her family but now their BP and pulse are high and they breath more rapidly



Client that is immobile would need to do these to preserve their joint function

Active range of motion


Long term high dose usage of glucocorticoids can cause these.

Suppress the immune system causing them to get infections and causes bone loss which puts them at risk for fractures.


This disorder is caused by uric acid crystal deposits in the joints of the bones. Give the education you would tell the client with this disorder

Gout, drink 2-3L of fluids and avoid foods high in purines like shellfish


2.0 - 2.5 lithium toxicity level manifestations

Blurry vision, ataxia, clonic twitching, severe hypotension, and polyuria


Client presents to the ER as very talkative, and restless, can't keep their arms and legs from moving, increased alertness, fever, tachycardia, and dilated pupils.

Cocaine usage


Client is avoiding talking about the death of his wife and won't socialize with his children.

Psychic numbing


Client with RA is prescribed methotrexate. This is what you would educate a client to do while on this medication.

Drink 2-3 L of fluids to promote excretion and hydration.


Autoimmune disorder that causes severe weakness of the skeletal muscles and can affect the respiratory muscles causing respiratory distress

Myasthenia Gravis