Did you follow the instructions?
Read the fine print.
"You're back again?"
How far can the dollar go?
I just want one.
The 3 major reasons for medication nonadherence.
What is fear, cost, and lack of symptoms?
Class of medications commonly prescribed following injury that can cause both constipation and increase risk of falls in the elderly.
What is opioids?
Readmission within 30 days of discharge, for any condition, is associated with an increased rate of THIS.
What is all-cause mortality?
Under the ACA, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services must penalize hospitals with excessive rates of THIS PROBLEM for patients with acute MI, heart failure, or pneumonia who have been discharged.
What is readmission?
When simplifying medication lists consider THESE first.
What is non-pharmacologic alternatives?
Percentage of prescriptions ordered that are never filled.
What is up to 25%?
This class of medications is known to cause urinary retention, waxing and waning mentation in the setting of recent nasal congestion in an elderly person.
What is anticholinergics and antihistamines (diphenhydramine, hydroxyzine, chlorpheneramine)?
THIS TECHNIQUE involves asking patients to explain in their own words what they need to know or do and then allows physicians to clarify and re-explain any instructions that don't seem clear and has been proven to be a successful method of providing instructions to patients at time of discharge.
What is the "teach-back method"?
Consult THIS TEAM MEMBER for advice on drug-drug interactions and cheaper medication options.
What is a pharmacist?
It has been estimated that THIS PERCENTAGE of Medicare beneficiaries receive five or more medications.
What is 50%?
The prices of medications have been increased this many times more compared to all consumer prices.
What is 2-3x?
Aside from increasing bleeding risks, NSAIDs are common cause of concern among the elderly users due to reduced blood flow to this organ system.
What is renal/kidneys?
The average cost of inpatient care per day in the US.
What is roughly $2000 per day?
The FDA definition for THIS TYPE OF MEDICATION is “a drug product that is comparable to a brand/reference listed drug product in dosage form, strength, route of administration, quality and performance characteristics, and intended use,” and prescribing it can save patients money.
What is generic medications?
Elderly patients that are on more than THIS NUMBER of medications are at a higher risk of adverse events such as falls.
What is four?
Medication nonadherence costs the US healthcare system THIS AMOUNT annually.
What is $100-289 billion?
The effectiveness of this medication often prescribed to women with UTIs is reduced when GFR is <60ml/min.
What is nitrofurantoin?
These are the three conditions with the largest 30-day all-cause readmission for Medicare patients.
What is congestive heart failure, septicemia, and pneumonia?
A diabetic patient with Medicare Part D is experiencing a coverage gap due to the high cost of her medications and must now cover THIS PERCENT of the cost of her generic medications herself.
What is 79%? [as of 2013, will be 58% in 2016]
Older individuals are at greater risk for adverse drug events due to metabolic changes associated with aging that lead to a decrease in THIS PROCESS.
What is drug clearance?
Percentage of hospitalizations believed to be caused by medication nonadherence.
What is 10%?
This commonly consumed drug in the US can be gotten without a prescription and influences the same receptor pathway as the drug Zolpidem.
What is alcohol?
This is one method that the Affordable Care Act tries to reduce the number of hospital readmissions.
What is requiring CMS to reduce payments to hospitals with "excess readmissions" of patients hospitalized for MI, heart failure, and pneumonia within 30 days of first hospitalizations and charging penalties to the hospital.
A diabetic patient with Medicare Part D is experiencing a coverage gap due to high cost of her medications and must now cover THIS PERCENT of the cost of her brand-name medications herself.
What is 47.5%? [as of 2013, 45% as of 2016]
Polypharmacy is an independent risk factor for THIS in older adults.
What is hip fractures?