Here you can find almost any information you may need to run the front desk.
What is the Gucci book?
The best way to keep a client informed on patient care and condition over the course of a long visit.
What are hourly updates?
The practice of being engaged and responding empathetically to colleagues, often used to resolve conflicts?
What is active listening?
Needs daily checks and restocking to ensure a good selection for our clients.
What is the coffee bar.
Treating yourself with kindness and understanding when you're going through a difficult time or when you've made a mistake.
What is practicing self-compassion?
A critical pet is brought to the front desk and the ER is called immediately via Vocera to assess the patient.
What is a stat triage.
The leadership member who most prefered handles high stress or escalated ineractions.
Who is GEOFF!!
The leading veterinarian owned and led network of specialty and emergency hospitals and urgent cares dedicated to delivering exceptional care and a deeply supportive experience to pets and their loving families, referring veterinarians, and our team members.
What is MedVet?!
Must be done every morning, afternoon and evening to ensure our accounts are correct and reportable.
What is daily balance?
Setting clear work boundaries, taking breaks during the workday, prioritizing personal time, and disconnecting from work outside of designated hours.
What is a good work-life balance?
The 3 steps to follow after sending back a critical patient with the triage tech.
What is collect a critical, room the client, check in client in the room.
Our partner company that handles memorial items, cremations and other aftercare.
Who are Pet Reflections!
The 3 core values of MedVet.
What are Teamwork, Leadership and Compassion.
The best way to ensure a clean environmeny for our clients.
What are regular room and lobby sweeps?
a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by prolonged or excessive stress.
What is burnout?
Only when we have completed this task are we allowed to have any medication filled.
What is checking the client out.
Our prefered engagement strategy for communicating with a frustrated or escalated client.
The heart head heart method!
You can always rely on these three people if you are feeling uncwrtain or having any issues at work.
Who are Natalie, Genie and Alex!
A necessary action to keep our other patients safe after a patient in our facility test positive for parvo/panleuk/kennel cough or anything infectious.
What is a provet spray down of the entire front desk and anywhere the pet or owners have been.
Coming to work with this mindset can promote a pleasent work environment for everyone.
What is a positive attitude.
The correct action when vendors check in through the front desk.
What is alerting ops.
The group whos job it is to ensure each client is advocated for.
Who are CSR's?
An engagement strategy that entails challenging directly and caring personally, opening the door for effective communication and trust.
What is radical candor?
What is the front desk?
This is the only time it is appropriate to gossip at the front desk.
What is NEVER?