Who played character Voldemort in the Harry Potter movie?

Ralph Fiennes


What are the three objectives of advertising?

Awareness, conversions & consideration.


Who Invented the Internet?

Computer scientists Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn are credited with inventing the Internet communication protocols we use today and the system referred to as the Internet.


What are the five types of media?

Television, radio, cinema, newspapers, magazines & and Internet-based websites.


What is considered to be the world's earliest melody? 

“Hurrian Hymn No. 6” is considered the world's earliest melody.


Who is the director of The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings?

Peter Jackson


What types of advertising are there? 

Print advertising, broadcast advertising, outdoor advertising, digital advertising, product integration.


When did the Internet become popular?

The internet is the world's most popular computer network. It began as an academic research project in 1969, and became a global commercial network in the 1990s.


What is the current definition of media?

In mass communication, media are the communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver information or data. ... The term "medium" (the singular form of "media") is defined as "one of the means or channels of general communication, information, or entertainment in society, as newspapers, radio, or television."


What is the oldest musical composition of the world?

The oldest musical composition to have survived in its entirety is a first century A.D. Greek tune known as the “Seikilos Epitaph.” The song was found engraved on an ancient marble column used to mark a woman's gravesite in Turkey.


How many Star Wars movies are made?



What is Nikes well-known creative product advertisement?

Just Do It.


Which country has the most internet users of 2021?

As of the first quarter of 2021, China was ranked first among the countries with the most internet users.


What are the advantages of media?

Advantages of the media include that it allows information to be dispersed quickly and that it allows people to learn about cultures other than their own.


What are the six periods of music history?

The six musical periods are classified as Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th/21st Century, with each fitting into an approximate time frame.


When and where was the premier of the movie The Godfather?

The Godfather premiered at the Loew's State Theatre on March 14, 1972.


What is native advertising? 

Native advertising is paid media designed to match the content of a media source.


Name three of the most visited sites on internet.

Google search, YouTube & Tmall


What are the disadvantages of media?

Disadvantages of the media include that it can result in the spread of misinformation and the development of bad values & include a risk of inaccurate reporting and a loss of privacy.


How music affects the brain, mood & mind?

Listening to music can create peak emotions, which increase the amount of dopamine, a specific neurotransmitter that is produced in the brain and helps control the brain's reward and pleasure centers. Specific songs portray different emotions.


How many awards has The Matrix won? Name all the awards.

The Matrix won four Academy Awards (Best Visual Effects, Best Film Editing, Best Sound and Best Sound Editing), as well as several other accolades, including BAFTA Awards and Saturn Awards.


What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is the process of earning money (commissions) every time you promote a company’s products or services and drive a sale. You only get paid every time you drive a sale, just like a commission-only sales representative.


Which country has the most internet suht downs in the world?



Why is media important in our daily lives?

Media is an equally increasingly significant part of our life today, it's playing an essential part in each means of life. It connects us with all the situations on earth and notifies us of several things such as information, background, and entertainment, etc. This helps us a great deal in being an updated character.


How does music activate the brain?

Music has been shown to activate some of the broadest and most diverse networks of the brain. Music activates the auditory cortex in the temporal lobes close to your ears. The parts of the brain involved in emotion are not only activated during emotional music, they are also synchronized. Music also activates a variety of memory regions & activates the motor system. In fact, it has been theorized that it is the activation of the brain’s motor system that allows us to pick out the beat of the music even before we start tapping our foot to it!