What is the legend that describes Wisdom Beard called?
The Legend Of Wisdom Beard
The word "⩋ξξΨ" means what?
True or false: Meep artifacts have mostly been found on Meep Island
What place were all of the Meep artifacts put into?
The Museum Of Meep
What is the Meep book called?
The Democracy And Language Of Meep
What did the Meep people consider Wisdom Beard as?
A god
How would you spell "meep" using English letters?
True or false: There is a meep sign language
What indigenous rocks were found on the island?
The rocks the moai statues / the big heads were built with
What do you call a person who studys Meep?
A Meepoligist
What does Wisdom Beard travel in?
A hot hair balloon
What word did Meepoligists think was important to the Meep people? What might it mean?
Singying, they thought it could have had something to do with singing
True or false: Both of these spell the word "hello" in Meep, "heepeepleepleepoep" & "₹ξ₰₰⨀"
Where did the ancient scroll containing the Meep alphabet go?
A museum
What is the Meep motto?
"Familia, fides et amicitia!" / "Family, faith and friendship!"
Who did Wisdom Beard help and how?
Wisdom Beard granted knowledge to people who lacked guidance in their lives
Symbol Meep, Meep sign language & Meep using letters from the English alphabet
True or false: Mr. Manoopy and his friends discovered many Meep clues and artifacts
When half of the first key was found, what did Meepoligists think it looked like?
A misshapen tree branch
Why is the flag unusual?
It is one of the only flags that uses purple
What advice does the legend give to the reader?
If you ever feel lost, look up on a cloudless sunny day and you may just see Wisdom Beard floating by
What does "₸₹ξ ▴ξ⩋⨀৻ɻ₪৻ʭ ₪ϗ▴ ₰₪ϗ⁜⋓₪⁜ξ ⨀៛ ⩋ξξΨ" mean?
The Democracy And Language Of Meep
True or false: The Meep people flew into space, that is why they are no longer on the Island
Trick question - Nobody is sure where the Meep people went!
In the first clue, It spoke of trees. Meepoligists decided the trees must be old and they listed 3 types they thought it could be. What are the 3 old trees they listed?
Ginkgo, Yew & Bristlecone Pine
What is the Meep holiday that combines Christmas, Kwanzaa & Hanukkah called?