How do some scientists believe peoples from Asia got to the Americas?
A land bridge
This explorer thought he found a trade route to Asia for England, but he was wrong!
John Cabot
What year did Christopher Columbus sail the ocean blue, setting a turning point in exploration?
The Aztecs built their capital city on a lake. What was the name of the capital?
What were the explorers of North America trying to find?
The Northwest Passage, a trade route to Asia
What is the practice of breeding plants and animals to human's advantages?
How many years did it take Megellan's ships to circumnavigate, or sail across the world?
3-3 1/2 years
What was the name of the type of fortification that were called towns?
What was the big industry of trade in North America?
What was a type of fort that was known as a town, also a city in Colorado
What is the practice of bringing water to crops?
What Native American group had tribes called the Hopewell, Adena, and Mississippians?
Mound Builders
Explorer looking for the fountain of youth
Ponce de Leon
The Dutch brought over a tradition of leaving their shoes out for this person...
Santa Claus or Saint Nick
Name of a person of New Spain that had parents from Spain but were born in the Americas
A type of fortification that where soldiers lived
The Columbian Exchange involved goods from what three areas?
Europe, the Americas, and Africa
What were three of the reasons for victory for the Spaniards in the Americas?
Samuel de Champlain founded the first settlement in present-day Canada. What was the name of it and it is a city of Canada today?
This Native American tribe died out within 100 years of Columbus sailing to the West Indies.
The Taino people
Who were the King and Queen of Spain that paid for Columbus to go to the New World?
Ferdinand and isabella
What were the names of the social classes of New Spain in order from the top to the bottom?
Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos, and slaves
Martin Luther posted 95 Theses to the door of the Church starting this movement.
The Protestant Reformation