Getting to know your counselor
Facts about things
The counselor's job
Seeing the counselor

What is your counselor's name?

Mrs. Reeves


Is my attendance and being on time important? 

YES!  If you are not here, then you are not learning.  AND, you are missed so much by your teacher and friends!!


True or False 

The counselor does not handle discipline. 


I will never write you up - I will talk with you about your choices and self-control. I DO set boundaries and expectations - will enforce appropriate consequences. 


When is the counselor at school?

All day, every day


What are some of my favorite things?

the color purple, beach, 3 Musketeer candy bar, music - going to concerts and playing the piano, reading books

What are the rules during guidance with Mrs. Reeves?

Mouth Closed

Eyes Watching

Ears Listening

Hands & Feet silent and still (keep to yourself)

Raise your hand before sharing


True or False ???

I will make sure our work together is really boring and there will be absolutely NO fun ways to learn new skills. 

SO false 

We use creative activities & games to help you learn


True or False...

If Mrs. Reeves is not in her office, I can stand outside the door and wait until she gets back. 

F a l s e 

Go back to class and try again later!


Why did I become a counselor?

Because I like helping people!


What does it mean to be responsible?

Doing what I am suppose to do


Is the counselor going to solve your problems for you and tell you what to do? 

Yes or No? 


I am here to provide different options and perspectives, but always you make your own choices. 


True or False . . . 

I can only work with the counselor if I have a big problem.


All problems are important! Some require more time and attention, but if something is important to YOU than it is important to ME


What are my animals' names?

Cat:  Boo

Dog:  Lexie


What are the only times the counselor will tell someone what you said? 

  • Someone is hurting you

  • You want to hurt someone 

  • You want to hurt yourself

  • Someone else is hurt

  • You give permission to share with another trusted adult


What are ANY of the types of skills we learn in counseling or classroom lessons?

Goal setting, feelings, friendship, conflict resolution, self-esteem, problem-solving, stress and anger management,  empathy, resilience, perseverance


What is the easiest and quickest way to let Mrs. Reeves know that you need to see her?

Use the DME Meeting QR Code that is in my classroom.  (Every class has one)

What is something that Mrs. Reeves does NOT like?

Pineapple, coconut, snakes, spiders, and alarm clocks.  (I hate getting up early!!!!)


True or False

Being absent or coming in late affects my learning.


When you are absent, you miss your teacher's lesson and the chance to ask her for help.  When you come in late or absent, you get BEHIND with your work (and may struggle to catch up or know what is going on.)


What is the most important job Mrs. Reeves has?

Mrs. Reeves is here to HELP YOU do your VERY BEST!


What types of counseling does Mrs. Reeves do to help?

Individual Counseling 

Small Group

Guidance Lessons with whole group classes