About the School Counselor
How Can I Help You?
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What is the school counselor's name?

Mrs. Lyda


True or False

Mrs. Lyda visits every grade from Kindergarten through 8th grade to talk about topics such as getting along with one another, study skills, and managing emotions.


I try to visit each class once a month.


What can NOT be kept confidential?

a) You tell me that you had an argument with a parent and they took your phone away.

b) You tell me that you had an argument with a parent and they physically harmed you.


I am legally mandated to report any suspected abuse.


True or False

In a healthy friendship both friends respect each other's differences and are allowed to have different interests.



True or False

Mrs. Lyda can only wink with one eye


I can only wink with my left eye.


True or False

Mrs. Lyda is in the building every day.


I go to two schools and split my time between them.


True or False

Mrs. Lyda meets with some students individually to help them talk through problems and work on personal goals.


I'm always happy to meet with students when they need to talk.


True or False

Absolutely everything that you share with Mrs. Lyda will stay between the two of you.


Most things will stay private, but if you or someone else is in danger I need to let other adults know in order to keep everyone safe.


Name a coping skill that you might use to deal with strong emotions such as anger or anxiety.

- Taking deep breaths.

- Doing a grounding exercise

- Doing something relaxing

-Doing something active


How many kids does Mrs. Lyda have?


His name is Benjamin and he started 9th grade this year.


If you want to meet with Mrs. Lyda what should you do?

Tell your teacher.


True or False

If you get sent to Mrs. Lyda's office it's probably because you are in trouble for something.


Getting sent to my office isn't like being sent to the principal's office. I'm here to help you out, not punish you.


What can NOT be kept confidential?

a) You had an arguement with a friend and you don't want to talk to them.

b) You had an arguement with a friend and you are so angry that you plan on hurting them.


If I think that you may hurt someone I can't keep that information private.


What is a sign that you might need help controlling your anxiety?

- Difficulty sleeping

- Difficulty eating / stomach problems

- Trouble focusing

- Unable to enjoy things that use to be fun


True or False

Mrs. Lyda is a Swiftie



Where is Mrs. Lyda's office?

Holy Cross - Room 206

St. James - At the bottom of the stairs by the cafeteria


Name two things that Mrs. Lyda might help students with.

So many things:

- Managing emotions such as anxiety, anger and depression

- Getting along with friends

- Dealing with changes at home

- Study skills, time management, and organization


True or False

If a student tells me that they are feeling depressed and thinking about hurting themselves I can keep that information private as long as they tell me that they will keep meeting with me and working on it.


If I have reason to believe a students may harm themselves I can NOT keep that information private.


How many hours of sleep should you be getting each night?

9 - 11 hours of sleep


What movie about feelings did Mrs. Lyda see this summer and absolutely love?

Inside Out 2


What days of the week is Mrs. Lyda is the building?

Holy Cross - Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursday mornings.

St. James - Tuesdays, Thursday afternoons, and Fridays


Mrs. Lyda is not a math teacher but she may be able to help you get a better grade in math. How?

I help students develop better study skills, organizational skills, and time management which can all help you improve your grades.


Most of what you tell Mrs. Lyda will be confidential. What does that mean?

Most of what you share will stay private and won't be told to anyone else including your parents, teachers, and classmates.


Approximately how much time should you spend studying and doing homework each night based on what grade you are in?

10 minutes for each grade level

6th Grade - 60 minutes

7th Grade - 70 minutes

8th Grade - 80 minutes


How many cats does Mrs. Lyda have?


Their names are Penny and Gene