Your School Counselor
Why see the
What does a School Counselor do?

Who is your school counselor?

Ms. Barton


Students normally see a school counselor when they have a ___________________ .

A personal problem or a conflict with another student.


How often will you come to class for Counseling Lessons?

About once per month. 

I have 2 grades levels, 4th and 2nd this year that I visit each month. 


School counselors teach coping strategies to students to help them learn to manage their ________________ .

emotions or feelings


How long has Ms. Barton been a School Counselor at Harbins Elementary School?

This is my fifth year!


Are you ever in trouble when you go to see the school counselor?



How often will the School Counselor pull you from class?

Only when needed! We want you to be in class, learning. 


Besides the students, I also work with all of the ______________ in our school.

Teachers, Assistant Principals, staff, and our Principal, Dr. ______.


True or False:  Ms. Barton is the only school counselor at Harbins. 

False. We have 3 School Counselors this year. 


Name 2 problems a student might have that the counselor can help with.

Problems at home, with friends, schoolwork, behavior, anxious feelings, and so many more.


How will I expect you to behave when you come to visit me?

I accept you "where you are" which means I accept you exactly how you are in that moment. We all have "moments" as I use that term quite often. We will respectful of each other, be responsible with my space and items, be safe, and be kind. 


Are school counselors in charge of discipline?

No. Assistant Principals are in charge of discipline. Your Assistant Principal this year is Dr. _______. 


True or False: Ms. Barton was a teacher before becoming a school counselor. 

False. Ms. Barton worked in several types of counseling agencies for many years before working as shool counselor!


How do you get to see the school counselor?

Ask your teacher to send me an email. 

If it's a Counselor emergency, your teacher can buzz for me to come immediately.


What is confidentiality?

Keeping conversations between people private.  Not telling others what was said. What you say is confidential UNLESS: 

You tell me you want to hurt yourself, want to hurt someone else, that you are being abused, or that someone is going to hurt the school. Then I have to tell to keep you safe.


You can come to the counselor if your family has needs such as lack of food, clothes, or school supplies.

Yes. School Counselors can help families with food insecurity or basic needs. We will keep what you say private: we will not share your information with your teachers or friends. Just ask your teacher to send me an email saying that you need to see me.


What is one thing Ms. Barton likes to do for fun? 

Read, watch Netflix with her daughter, go horseback riding, and play with her cats. 


Will I get to see the counselor right away?

Sometimes, but not all the time. Ms. Barton will make time to meet with, but it might take a day or two. School Counselors have lots of duties and there are over 1400 students at the school. 


Where is my office located?

On the corner of the 4th and 4th/3rd grade hall, behind the Media Center.