What is the name of your school counselor?
Miss Peavie
How often will you see the counselor for guidance class?
2x a month
True or False? You can talk to your counselor anything?
Name some things you may want to talk with the school counselor about?
A death of someone you love, arguments with friends, feeling sad or lonely, being bullied, etc.,?
What pets does Miss Peavie have?
What is confidentiality?
What you say in the counseling office....stays in the counseling office.
Is it OK to be angry?
Yes, what we do with this anger (our actions) is important!
How long have I been working at Eastwood?
First year!
True or False? You might see the counselor for a punishment?
When does Ms. Peavie need to tell someone what we talked about, and get help for you?
If you or someone else is in danger, or being hurt.
True or False? A school counselor listens to your problems and then tells you exactly what you should do to solve them
False! We try to solve the problem together!