This is my name.
Ms. Washington
This is a feeling I get that is in the red zone. When I feel like this I want to yell.
These are people students live with that they can ask to see the counselor.
Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Guardian
These are the lessons I teach.
I need to do this if I want to answer a question.
Raise my hand
I have worked at Larry G. Smith for this long.
This is my 13th year
This feeling is in the blue zone. Sometimes I cry when I feel like this.
This is a person at school I could ask to see the counselor.
My teacher.
True or False, I am in trouble when the counselor wants to talk to me.
False, a bad decision may have been made, but the counselor will never punish or yell at you.
Ms. Washington will do this before I can answer.
Call on me
What are my hobbies?
watching and playing sports and traveling
This is a feeling get when I have no one to play with or talk to.
Before I see the school counselor I should.
Ask my teacher or fill out a referral form on her door
True of False
The counselor will sometimes talk to teachers about their students.
True, sometimes the counselor will talk with teachers to see how students are doing in class and if there is anyway I can help.
This is where my eyes and ears should be during guidance.
On my screen looking at the speaker.
My favorite color
True or False
I can talk to the school counselor when I'm having problems with my siblings, friends, or family.
Where is Ms. Washington's Office.
downstairs, next to the nurse.
on the way to the cafeteria
When students are mad this person is a good person to talk to.
School Counselor
True or false
I should be playing with the things around me while in guidance.
The college I attended and what did I do there.
UTA) University of Texas at Arlington and played softball
When I talk to the counselor, she will keep our conversations....
Confidential or Secret.
I can fill this out to see Ms. Washington
referral form
True or False
I can talk to the school counselor about any problems I am having.
The expectation of using kind words and actions.