Meet YOUR Counselor
Counselor Role
True or False

Who does a counselor work with?

Everyone. Individuals for more intensive support and whole groups/classes for practicing skills we ALL need.


How can you see your school counselor?

1. Ask your teacher to send me a message. 2. Ask your parents to send in a referral.


What if your school counselor isn't available, who do you go to?

Teacher, principal or any other trusted adult.


Everything you share with me, I will also share with your teacher.

False. I will only share what you give me permission to share or if you are in danger. 


What is your counselor's name? 

Ms. Graham


Are you ever in trouble with your counselor?

No, you are NOT in trouble if you come see me.


When is my school counselor available?

Monday-Friday from 8:30am-12:00pm.


If I need to talk, I can just leave class.

False! You must tell your teacher and your teacher will connect with me. 


Where is the counseling office?

Room in the media center/library.


How does a school counselor help you?

Listens to you.

Helps you find tools to express yourself and your feelings.

Teaches regulation skills.


What is Confidentiality?

It means that your counselor will not tell other people what you say unless:

- You are being hurt

- You might hurt someone else

- You might hurt yourself


You can only see a counselor if you have a BIG problem.

False! Most of us have small, medium and big problems but sometime it helps to talk about them.

SMALL: You can typically handle this one yourself.

MEDIUM: You've tried some strategies but still are struggling.

BIG:  Something unexpected or difficult happened and you have BIG FEELINGS about it!