Meet YOUR Counselor
Counselor Role
Visiting the Counselor

Where is your counselor from?



How can you see your school counselor? 

Tell your teacher or parent that you need to see me. Leave a note if you cannot find me.


When is my counselor available?

I will always try to be available, but sometimes I might be teaching a lesson, in a meeting, or working with other students.


All of my feelings are okay

True! We have so many feelings and emotions. We can learn to name them and work through them. 


Where is my office located?

Room A112; go up to the ramp across the office, first left door!


What grades does your counselor work with?

Kindergarten-5th grades


What will I do in the counselor's office? 

Depends on what you need. I talk with students, play a game, use other tools. 


If I need to talk, I can just leave my class, recess or cafeteria.

False! You MUST ask your teacher. We will work to find a time to meet. If it is an emergency, please let your teacher know. 


Does your counselor have any pets? 

Yes! She has a cat!


Name one thing you may see your counselor for? 

Lots of answers possible here. Stress, worry, peer pressure, friendship, sadness, safety issues, ...


Does my counselor only meet with students individually? 

No, I meet with students in groups and also classroom lessons. 


My counselor tells others what I say in her office.

FALSE! Confidential! Unless we decide on the need to involve others OR if someone could get hurt.


Does your counselor have any kids? If so, how many?

Yes; she has 2 kids!


Do I go to the counselor's office if I get into trouble? 

Nope! You are not in trouble if you come to my office.


Can I only see the counselor one time? 

No, we will talk through your needs and decide together.


I can talk to my counselor about my life at school AND at home. 



What is my full name?

Esra Yilmaz


Can the counselor fix all of your problems? 

No, I can help you work through your problems but YOU are the only one that can choose to work on your problem/situation. 


What does "confidential" mean?

What is said in my office stays in my office! 

Exceptions are if you tell me you want to hurt yourself or someone else- or someone is hurting you. 


You can only see your counselor if it's a BIG problem. 

False! We can work through big and small things. And what may seem small may be big to others and vice versa. I also like to celebrate with you when you have positive things happen!