If I delete a picture, it is gone from the internet.
The platform that you are posting on owns the rights to the content that you post. Also, anyone can take a picture or screenshot of what you posted before you delete it and then re-post it.
Someone sends you a message on instagram or TikTok. You notice that their profile picture is one of your friends. The message says... "Hey I want to hangout soon, can you send me your address?"
You should
a.) Send them your address. It's obviously your friend.
b.) Ignore the message and wait until you see your friend in person to give them your address.
Someone could be using your friends picture. It is safest to call or wait until you see your friend in person before you send your address.
What is it called when you use technology to harass, threaten, embarrass, or target another person?
If my account is private, it cannot be accessed by anyone who I do not give permission.
True or False
The company that you created an account with can since they own the rights to the stuff that you post. However, it is safest to have private accounts when using social media.
If you are a victim of cyberbullying, what can you do?
a. Block the person
b. Don't respond
c. Tell an adult
d. all of the above.
All of the above.
You can choose whatever you think will best help you in your situation.
You should never put _____ on the internet.
Personal Information (birthday, address, phone number, where you go to school)
Instagram, snapchat, facebook, TikTok, and twitter own the rights to the content you post.
True or false.
Where are some places where cyberbullying can take place?
Texting, Social Media site, chatrooms.
You should never give this out to anyone and you should change it often so that you do not get hacked.
My snapchats are gone once they are viewed.
True or False.
Someone can screenshot your snap and re-post it after it has disappeared from the conversation.
Name one way you can avoid cyberbullying?
Your friends list should only contain people you know and trust.
content whose main purpose is to attract attention and encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page.
Respect online isn't that important because I can always delete an unkind comment or post.
True or False.
What you say online matter, A LOT. Think of it as a public broadcast, even on a private account.
What should you do if someone tells you to meet up offline and you've never met them before.
Tell a trusted adult IMMEDIATELY
A technical measure intended to restrict access to information or resources.