Where is your 8th grade counselor's office located?
What is next to the fish bowl?
The adult at your school that will listen to all of your problems is called the ________________.
What is school counselor?
What does it mean to practice self control?
What is use respectful language, follow rules, pay attention in class, use your hands for helping and not hurting, etc.,?
If you need to see the school counselor, what do you do?
What is go to any of your teacher's Google Classroom and fill out the I need to see the counselor form?
Yes or No. Is Mrs. Snow allowed to tell your teacher and friends what you talk about in her office?
What is no?
Name some ways to respect yourself, others, and property?
What is use kind words, following rules, helping some one who is new to the school, clean up after yourself in the cafeteria, not eating in the hallway etc.,?
What days of the week is the counselor available?
What is Monday,Tuesday, Thursday and Friday?
Name some times when you may want to talk to the school counselor.
What is if there is a death of someone you love, arguments with friends, feeling sad or lonely, being bullied, etc.,?
Name ways to be a good friend
What is use respectful language, listen to them, be honest with them etc., ?
When the school counselor gets a group of students together to talk about a topic, that is called a _________ circle.
What is Community Circle?
What can you do to make someone's day better ?
What is give them a compliment, smile, help them, give them gifts, etc.,?
How can you demonstrate responsibility?
What is pay attention in class, do you classwork, ask questions respectfully when you don't understand, turn in your homework, etc.,?
What is your school counselor's name?
Who is Mrs. Christina Johnson Snow?
If a friend tells you a secret that he/she is being hurt or abused, should you keep that secret?
What is no?
How does someone feel when you hurt their feelings or say something negative?
What is sad, lonely, upset, angry, mad, etc.,?
You can tell your school counselor anything, and she will keep it confidential!
What is false? The school counselor has to report it if you tell her that someone is hurting you, you are hurting yourself, or you are hurting someone else.