My School Counselor
Who can help?
Campus Expectations
True or False

Where is your school counselor's office located?

Next to front office


The adult at school that can help to make things better and/or just listen when I need to talk.

What is school counselor?


Is it okay to get angry?

What is yes, everyone gets angry, it is what you do with your anger that is important?


What does self control look like?

raise your hand and wait to be called on, pay attention in class, use your hands for helping and not hurting, etc.,

I am in big trouble if I have to see the school counselor!
What is false?

If you need to see the school counselor, what do you do? (non-emergency)

-Leave a note to the school counselor
-Ask my teacher to send the counselor a message
-look at counselor schedule and see when she is available


If I have a small problem, I can talk to...

counselor, teacher, friend


What can you do if you are feeling sad?

What is talk to the school counselor, go for a walk, keep a diary, talk to a friend, etc.?


Name some ways to respect yourself, others, and property?

What is use kind words, be a bucket filler, take care of library books, clean up after yourself, etc.,?


As soon as you leave a note, the counselor will come and get you immediately.

False, the counselor will see me throughout the day for a non-emergency. 

What do I do if I have an emergency and NEED to speak to the counselor?

Ask the teacher to call/message the counselor


Name a time you may want to talk to the school counselor.

death of someone you love, arguments with friends, feeling sad or lonely, being bothered by something at home or at school, etc.


Name ways to be a good friend

be a good listener.
be helpful
show kindness


Name some safe choices that you can make while at school?

What is walk in the halls, help a friend when they are hurt, push in your chair, use equipment appropriately, etc., ?


Teachers or Parents may ask the school counselor to talk to a student.

What is true?


What is your Counselor's favorite thing to do on her free time?

Work with her hands; build things!!!


If someone is bothering you and hasn't stopped even after you have asked them to, should you tell an adult or keep it a secret?

What is tell an adult?


What are some feelings I can talk to the counselor about?

happy, sad, mad, angry, frustrated, lonely, overwhelmed, tired

How can you demonstrate responsibility?
What is pay attention in class, do you classwork, ask questions when you don't understand, turn in your homework, etc.,?

The only time that you should see the school counselor is when you have a BIG problem!

What is false?


Is Mrs. Rodriguez is allowed to tell your teacher/friends what you talk about in her office? (favorite snack, something you did this summer)



Give 4 examples of adults that can help if I have a problem

counselor, teacher, coach, assistant principal, principal, librarian, aides, monitors, officers,

mom, dad, uncle, aunt, cousin, grandma, grandpa



If a friend tells you a secret that he/she is being hurt or abused, should you keep that secret?


Name all the Heart Legacies

Love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control

You can tell your school counselor anything, and she will keep it confidential!
What is false? The school counselor has to report it if you tell her that someone is hurting you, you are hurting yourself, or you are hurting someone else.