School Counselor
Extra Extra
True or False

Where is your school counselor's office located?

In the main office.


The adult at your school that will listen to all of your problems is called the ________________.

School counselor!


Is it okay to feel anger and frustration at times?

Yes, everyone experiences anger and frustration at some point in their lives. (ex. learning to ride a bike). It is what you do with your anger that is important! It is ok to not be ok. Reviewing strategies with your school counselor to calm down is helpful with the situation. 


What are ways to practice self control?

Raise your hand first to be heard in class, wait to be called on, pay attention in class, keep self to self, deep breaths, stretch, take breaks if you need to move around a bit and get the wiggles out, etc.


Students are in trouble if they visit with the school counselor.

False. I help you with your problems, but I do expect everyone to follow the school pledge.


If you need to see the school counselor, what do you do?

Tell my teacher, ask the office, have my parent contact the school counselor.


Yes or No. Is your school counselor allowed to tell your friends what you talk about in her office?

No! Your business stays with me. 


What can you do to help yourself feel happier if you are feeling sad?

Talk to the school counselor, do things you find joy in such as: go for a walk, keep a journal, do art- draw, talk to a friend, play an instrument, be active- participate in a club or sport, be kind to yourself and say positive things to yourself (I am a good person who is kind and will be a pilot one day).


Name some ways you can show respect at school?

Use kind words, keep your hands to yourself (self to self), compliment one another, high five someone, clean up after yourself, etc.


As soon as you leave a note, the counselor will come and get you immediately.

False! Please know that I want to visit with you right away, but my schedule may not allow for me to see everyone in one day.


What days of the week is the counselor at my school?

Every school day!


Name some times when you may want to talk to the school counselor.

If you are going through a tough time with friends at school, feeling sad, lonely or anxious, being teased, change(s) in your family (death of a loved one/pet or moved to another house, etc). 


Name at least three things you can do to play nicely with others at recess while sharing an activity such as the gaga pit, field, a ball, playground slide, etc.

Use respectful language, be a bucket filler (compliment others and yourself), be helpful by sharing the time with the ball/field and communicating, talk with a trusted adult if concerns, do another activity, keep self to self, etc.


Name some ways you can be an up-stander while at school?

Walk in the halls and say kind words to one another, help a friend when they are hurt, keep self to self, stop-walk-talk, stay in designated areas, walk in one line, push in your chair, use equipment appropriately, etc.


Teachers or Parents may reach out to the school counselor for individual counseling session(s) with their student or child.



When the school counselor gets a few students together to meet at certain times to talk about a similar topic like building connections with peers, study habits, calming strategies, growth mindset, etc., that is called a _________.

Small Group Counseling Experience


If you feel you are being teased or uncomfortable with a peer, should you tell an adult or keep it a secret?

Tell an adult (not your friends)! We want to keep your situation private so we can reduce the drama). We need to know so that we can help you!


How can you help make another person feel happy/good?

Give them a compliment, smile, help them with a task in class, give them high fives, etc.


How can you demonstrate responsibility?

Pay attention in class, do you classwork, ask questions when you don't understand, raise your hand, if teacher is talking you are listening, no interrupting presenters, take care of your materials, turn in your homework on time, attend school everyday, etc.


The only time that you should have any contact with the school counselor is when you have a big problem!

False! I love checking in with students, and hearing about your days. I also want to help you out before a problem gets too big.


What is your school counselor's name?

Mrs. Komnick


If a friend tells you a secret that he/she is sad or going through a hard time, should you keep that secret?

No! Encourage your friend to come see a trusted adult at school right away (teacher, principal, counselor). We need to know so that we can best help your friend/classmate.


What are opportunities to get involved in school to help stay positive and meet more peers?

Join a club, play an instrument, attend school events, sign up to attend after school programs such as Rembrandt art classes and robotics, etc.


What does the phrase mean: "stop-walk-talk"?

It is our district wide strategy to help us all remember to be up-standers and report with any concerns you may hear, see, or experience while here at school. 


You can tell your school counselor anything and she will keep it ALL confidential (not tell anyone)!
