
What is the Washington School's principal's name?

Mr. Mercurio.  


How do you get to see Mrs. Loew?

If you want to see Mrs. Loew, all you have to do is tell an adult in the building, and they will send you to see me.  Sometimes parents, teachers and other school staff may ask me to see you (without you asking). 


If you are feeling ______, that might be a good time to go and see Mrs. Loew.  

Sad, Angry, Worried, Anxious, Frustrated, Mad.

Can you see the guidance counselor if you have difficulty with your academics in school?

Yes. The guidance counselor can be a resource for you.  They can help you figure out how to get help with an academic issue and what questions you may want to ask when you seek out that help.


Mrs. Loew will solve my problems.  

False.  Mrs. Loew helps brainstorm for solutions with you. She won't solve your problems for you, but she'll try to figure out how to help you solve them.  


True or False, I can see Mrs. Loew when something positive has happened.  

True.  Mrs. Loew loves to hear from students.  Please come down and share any information that you're proud of...especially if you solved a conflict on your own : ). 


Name some reasons why you may want to talk to the guidance counselor.

When someone is being mean to you, when you are having trouble with friends, when you need help with schoolwork, when there has been a change in your family (such as divorce, remarriage, death), when you feel anxious or worried.


Name something you can do if you feel nervous about coming to Washington School.   

Talk to a trusted adult, ask questions (your teacher will send Mrs. Loew any questions you have), stop by and say hello to Mrs. Loew so she can help you out.  


Can Mrs. Loew help you with planning and organizing?

Yes. Mrs. Loew is available to meet with you to help you organize your school belongings and to help teach you to manage your time and plan ahead. She even runs a small counseling group for this!


I am in big trouble if I have to see the guidance counselor.  

False.  You're not in big trouble if you have to see the guidance counselor.  Actually, she's there to help get you out of trouble.


True or False.  Today is the only day I'm going to learn about Washington School.  

False.  Today I'm just here to tell you what I do, you'll also get to come to Washington school to take a tour, meet the principal and some other staff and even practice using technology in our media center.


Is Mrs. Loew allowed to tell your teacher and friends what you talk about in her office?

No. Mrs. Loew practices confidentiality (what is said in her office stays in her office).


Is it hard to make friends at Washington?

No.  Most students are so excited to meet new friends.  You will have students from all different schools in your homeroom class next year.  If you have difficulty making new friends, Mrs. Loew is there to help.  Just stop by her office and let her know. 


Mrs. Loew is also around to help teach you how to be a good communicator in school. What are 2 ways you can be a good communicator in your classroom?

Look at the person speaking, listen to their ideas first and then check to make sure you understand, etc.


The only time that you should have contact with the guidance counselor is if you have a big problem.

False. You can come to Mrs. Loew with any problem or issue that is on your mind.  If something is going on and its stuck on your mind (and you can't concentrate) that's a good time to come see Mrs. Loew.


The days of the week is the guidance counselor at Washington.

What is all 5 school days : )?


Does Mrs. Loew ever visit our classroom?

What is yes.  Mrs. Loew pushes into the classrooms (every 16 days) to help the teachers with Leader in Me lessons.


Will Mrs. Loew tell my friends about what is going on with me?

Mrs. Loew will only talk to your friends about why you're seeing her if you want her to.   And, you'll talk about it with her first.


Mrs. Loew really looks for the 5th grade students to show they are responsible.  Name 2 ways you can be responsible at school.

Bring all of your needed materials to school, do your homework, ask questions, clean up after yourself, etc. 


You should never tell your friend's secrets.

False.  There may be times when your friends share information with you that may make you feel worried. If you are worried that your friend or someone else is in danger (could get hurt), you should come and report to Mrs. Loew.


Can I only see Mrs. Loew for problems that happen in school?

No, Mrs. Loew can meet with you about any problems that may be going on for you inside or outside of school.  If something is bothering you and it is making it hard for you to concentrate, you can see Mrs. Loew


Mrs. Loew may meet with students individually (one at a time) or comes to our classroom to help with Leader in Me.  What else does she do?

Small Group Counseling -  Mrs. Loew will find students who want help with a similar topic and place them all into a small group that runs during lunch (not recess).   Some groups focus on: 1) management, organization, planning 2) living in a girl world (friendships), 3) living in a boy world (friendships), 4) anxiety or worry.  Transition Program. Lunch/Recess duty. Morning duty. 


Will Mrs. Loew call home every time a student goes to see her?

No. Mrs. Loew will only call home if she is worried about your safety or if she needs your parents help. 


Why is it important to keep your desk and backpack organized?

To be able to find things, so you will not waste time so that you can be ready to learn.


As soon as you leave a note for Mrs. Loew, she will come and get you immediately.

False.  Sometimes Mrs. Loew is unavailable.  You can leave her a note and she will get back to you as soon as you can.  If you have an emergency and Mrs. Loew is not available, you should talk to another trusted adult.  Otherwise, Mrs. Loew will see you when she can.