My Social Worker
Group Expectations
Social Emotional Learning

What is my Social Worker's name?

Mrs. Bergdoll


Mrs. B


What does ROAR stand for?


Own your learning

Always Safe



Self-Awareness: Share one or more interests you have.

This could be anything! Mrs. B will determine whether or not you are correct and receive points.


Name one reason you might talk to your Social Worker.

-You are having big emotions

-There is a problem you need help solving

-You don't feel safe

-You need to have a restorative conversation

-You are having a conflict with friends.

-You are struggling in class.

-Many other things!


Where is my Social Worker's office?

Room 219, upstairs by the 5th grade classrooms.


What are the 6 components of whole body listening?

1. Eyes on speaker

2. Mouth is quiet

3. Both ears are listening

4. Hands and feet are quiet and safe

5. Heart is caring

6. Brain is thinking


Social Awareness: How can you tell that a classmate might be feeling left out?

They may look sad, be sitting alone at recess or during group activities, and they may say things like, 'no one likes me.'


True or False: All of my feelings are okay.



How can I request to see the Social Worker?

I can ask my teacher to call her office to see if she is available.


What are Bergdoll's Big Five for groups?

1. Be respectful.

2. Be flexible.

3. Try your best.

4. Follow directions.

5. Advocate for yourself.


Relationship skills: Use an I statement for this situation: Your classmate keeps tapping their pencil on your chair.

I feel _____ when you _______. Can you please ______?

Example: I feel distracted when you tap your pencil on your chair. Can you please stop? 


2 Truths and A Lie:

1. My social worker does my math homework for me.

2. My social worker likes to talk about feelings.

3. My social worker can help me problem-solve tricky situations. 

1 is the lie! I will not do your math homework for you.


When do I meet with my Social Worker?

This will vary for everyone! Mrs. Bergdoll will check if you are correct. 


If you get 3 strikes in a group, what will be expected of you?

I will need to go to the designated space away from the group to use my Active Response Beads to return to the green zone and rejoin the group. 


Responsible Decision Making: If your friend asks you to steal something at the mall, what would you say and do?

Say: No way, I don't want to get in trouble. 

Do: Try to convince your friend to go do something else, or call your parent to pick you up. 


Name the 4 Zones of Regulation and one feeling that goes in each.

Green: happy, calm, ready to learn.

Blue: tired, sad, sick, bored.

Yellow: excited, nervous, frustrated.

Red: angry, out of control, elated. 


What is the most important job of your Social Worker?

Keeping us safe.


What does every group member have to do to have fun?



Self Management: Name a helpful thought you can choose if you are starting to feel angry with your little brother who keeps interrupting you. 

Use your inner coach!

'He is younger than me and doesn't know this isn't okay.'

'I can tell him calmly that I am getting frustrated.'

'I can stay calm. I can use my tools.'


What does confidentiality mean, and why does it matter? 

Confidentiality means that whatever you say to your social worker will not be shared with others, unless someone is hurting you, you are hurting someone else, you are planning to hurt yourself, or you give permission to share with another adult.

This is also important for group members. If a friend shares something in the group, it stays in the group and shouldn't be shared with others.