How can Ms.
Greenwood help?
Office Stats
True or False?
Expectations & Information
About the Counselor

If we meet individually, what is something that might happen during that meeting? 

"What is" We would have a solution focused conversation to target the problem and solution, discuss feelings/emotions, and I would be there to listen. 


Where is my office located? 

"What is" In the front office; across from the music room


TRUE OR FALSE? School counselors only help kids who are always in trouble or if there is something wrong with them? 

FALSE: School counselors are here for every single student. Seeing the school counselor does not mean anything is wrong with you at all!


Name one way you can request to speak with Ms. Greenwood

Fill out a counselor referral form online, ask one of your teachers, or talk to your parents


Where am I from?

Richmond, Texas


Name one way will you work with the counselor this year?

guidance lessons, small groups (study skills, friendship, relationships in and outside of school, anxiety, self-control, self-esteem), Lunch Bunch, Schoolwide activities, Individual referrals


What should you do if I am not in my office?

Fill out a counseling referral form online and wait for Ms. Greenwood to come to you to assist


TRUE OR FALSE: As soon as you fill out a counseling referral or ask your teacher to see me, I will come and get you immediately. 

FALSE; sometimes I am unable to see you as soon as you make a request; I will get to you as soon as I can to assist with your problem


What are our 6 Character Counts Traits? 

Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring, & Citizenship


How many kids do I have? 



Why would you see the school counselor individually? 

Having difficulty at home, school, with family, with friends, someone is bullying you or making you feel unsafe. Or maybe you just want a space to talk about things you are feeling and find solutions to situations/problems


Where is the Counselor's Den located & what happens in there?

Room A2 by the Art room; Ms. Greenwood works with the small groups in there


TRUE OR FALSE: Teachers or parents may request that the school counselor invite a student in for a check-in. 



Tell me 2 ways you can stand up for yourself if someone is not treating you with respect.

Say stop, I don't like that or report the situation to a trusted adult


How many pets do I have? 

One Fish


What should you do if you are ever feeling unsafe in any way at home or at school? 

Tell an adult you trust. 


What days of the week am I at school? 



TRUE OR FALSE: The only time you should have any contact with the school counselor is when you have a big problem. 



Using our Character Counts traits, how would you show OWNERSHIP during a guidance lesson? 

Accept responsibility for yourself, accepting feedback from your peers/teachers, and following the classroom rules; respect others, wait your turn to speak, etc.


What is my favorite animal?



Name at least three things we might learn about this year with the counselor. 

Bullying, friendship, problem solving/conflict resolution, goal setting, careers, safety, and more!

What is confidentiality?

sharing private information with someone what should not be told to anyone else unless someone is in danger


TRUE OR FALSE: You can tell your school counselor anything, and she will keep it confidential. 

FALSE: Some information can stay confidential.  As your school counselor I am required to report if you share someone is hurting you or someone else. 


What does having good character mean?

Doing the right thing no matter who's watching; being respectful and responsible; treating others the way you want to be treated; etc.


True or False: My favorite color in the whole wide world is pink. 

False; my favorite color is RED!