Counselor Lessons
Role of School Counselor
Meeting with Me
Lunch Groups

How often will you have counselor lessons?

Every other week.   Rotate between primary and upper grades.    


What is one thing the school counselor does?

School counselors teach classroom lessons, lead lunch groups, talk with students and parents.   


Can you see the counselor whenever you want?

No.   I have a schedule with lessons and lunch groups.  So often times I may not be available to talk but I do try to talk with students as soon as my schedule allows.  


Do you need parent permission to be part of a lunch group?  

Yes.   In order for you to be part of a lunch group, your parent or whomever you live with must give you permission.  


What is the name of your school counselor?

Mrs. Newman?


What are 2 topics that I might cover in my lessons this school year?

Lessons will include topics such as:  bullying, friendship, careers, academic success, etc. 


Name 2 things that you might talk to the counselor about.

Problems at home, friendship issues, parents getting a divorce, deaths, etc?


How do I ask to see the school counselor?

Ask the teacher and/or complete the green counselor form?


What is the new student lunch group?

The first set of lunch groups where I get to know the new students.


What are 2 ways that you can deal with friendship problems?

Talk it out, give each other space and time, listen to each other , etc.  


What are 3 important rules to remember during my counselor lessons?

1) Follow Directions the first time they are given.

2) Listen and pay attention

3) Be respectful of our time.


How can the school counselor help students throughout the school year?

Talk about problems, teach them important skills and topics.   


What are 3 things that a student might ask to see the school counselor for?  

1) problems at home

2) parents getting a divorce

3) death

4) big problems that they need an adults help on.


How long will the lunch groups last?

30 minutes for 6 weeks.   


Why might the school counselor need to talk with a student's parents?

Share concerns or to discuss their student's needs.  


What three areas do I cover as a school counselor?

The three areas that I cover are:  personal/social, academic and careers.  


What kinds of problems would you not need the help of a school counselor?

Small problems, trying to get someone else in trouble, things you can deal with on your own.  


When does the school counselor have to tell other adults about something you have told them?

When it involves someone or yourself getting hurt or if it is dangerous.  


What kind of topics and things might you do in a lunch group?

Groups about leadership, friendship, academic success.   Activities like playing games, movie clips, discussions.


What does confidentiality mean?

I do not share information with anyone else. Everything you say in my office, stays in my office.  Unless...

1) You want to hurt yourself

2)Someone is hurting you. 

3) You plan to hurt someone else.