What is your school counselors name?
Ms. Heinitz
Name some ways to be a good friend.
Be nice, help them, be a good listener, show empathy, etc.
If you need to leave the room during a guidance lesson, what do you do?
My counselor cares about me and is excited to get to know each of her students!
If you need to see the school counselor, what do you do?
Visit before school, have your teacher or another adult contact the school counselor, stop by office at an appropriate time with permission from teacher. Leave a note in mailbox!
What can you do if you are feeling sad?
Talk to the school counselor or another trusted adult, spend time with friends, do something that you enjoy, etc.
What should you do when you hear the doorbell go off during a guidance lesson?
Lower voice, then a level 0. Eyes forward.
I am in big trouble if I have to see the school counselor!
What does it mean when Miss Heinitz has her light on outside of her office? What does it mean when it is off?
ON: with a student, come back later!
OFF: Knock or come on in!
How can you show the B in Bondurant's BEST? (Be kind and respectful)
Using kind words, inviting people to play, appropriate voice level.
What are the different ways the school counselor can help you?
Friendships, family struggles, calming down, anger, talking about feelings, bullying, and much more!
I can go see the school counselor whenever I want without asking.
True or False: Ms. Heinitz was born in Minnesota.
What are some topics will be discussing this year? (HINT: some are similar to last year!)
Bullying, anger, personal safety, communication skills, calming down, empathy, STEPS etc.
What days of the week is the school counselor at your school?
The school counselor's office is located in the 4th grade pod.
FALSE! by the art room, room 407
What is Ms. Heinitz's favorite sports team?
Minnesota Vikings
Name THREE ways you can relax.
Stress ball, video games, talk to friends, pet your dog, talk to the counselor, read, listen to music. Deep breathing, self-talk, counting.
What does the word CONFIDENTIAL mean?
Teachers and parents may request that the counselor invite a student in for an individual counseling session.