Meet Your School Social Worker(s)
School Social Work Role
Visiting the School Social Worker

What are the Social Workers' names?

Ms. Martinez (School Social Worker)

Mrs. Rilee (Intern)


Who can meet with the School Social Worker?

All students! 


Does my School Social Worker only meet with students individually? 

No, I meet with students in groups too. I may also do classroom presentations and host lunchtime awareness activities.

All of my feelings are okay

True! We have a lot of different emotions and feelings and we can learn to name them and work through them.


Where is the School Social Worker's office located?

Student Service Center (last door on the right)


Do I go to the School Social Worker's office if I get in trouble?

Nope! You are not in trouble if you get referred to my office. 


Can I only see the School Social Worker one time?

No, we will talk through your needs and if there is the need for additional help then I can offer school counseling and/or make referrals for year-round support.


If I need to talk, I can just leave my class.

False! Please be sure to communicate with your teacher and your teacher will submit a referral so we can find a time to meet. If it is an emergency, please let a teacher/staff know.


What days are the Social Workers available?

Ms. Martinez: Monday - Friday 

Mrs. Rilee: Mondays and Wednesdays only


Name 1 thing you may see the School Social Worker for.

Social-emotional. Mental health. Peer relationships. School/home stress.


What will I do in the School Social Worker's Office?

It depends on what you need. We may talk about your thoughts and feelings and learn about mental health and coping skills.


I can talk to my School Social Worker about things that happen at school AND at home.



What colleges did the Social Workers earn their Master of Social Work Degree from?

Ms. Martinez: USC

Mrs. Rilee: Cal State Fullerton  


How can I meet with the School Social Worker?

Communicate request to teacher/staff. Based on teacher/staff referral. 


What is confidentiality?

What is said in my office stays in my office! Unless you share that you want to hurt yourself or someone else- or if someone is hurting you.


My School Social Worker tells others what I say in her office.

False! Everything is confidential unless there is a concern for safety.