What is Megyns Birthday?
(Month, Day, and Year)
April 7th 2003
What is Megyns favorite place to eat?
Taco Trucks
What is Megyns go to playlist?
Her liked songs
Where did Megyn grow up?
Potlatch, ID
What is Isabellas favorite color?
Who is Megyns Ex Fiance?
What is Megyns favorite soda?
Dr. Pepper
What is Megyns current hyper fixation?
Her hot, sexy, extremely muscular boyfriend. Nakoah
What is Megyns favorite animal?
Tiger for half points
Who is Isabellas best friend?
Sometimes Nakoah, Sometimes Megyn
What is Megyns favorite color?
What is Megyns favorite bar?
Johns Ally
Name one of Megyns stims
(You must reenact)
Daily Double
Answers may very
What is Megyns favorite gift to receive?
What is Isabellas favorite food?
What instrument did Megyn play the most in high school?
What is Megyns favorite hard alcoholic beverage?
Red wine
Who does Megyn come to when she has car trouble
Her Dad
What is Megyns favorite fruit?
What is Isabellas favorite animal?
What is Megyns middle name?
What is a food that Megyn refuses to eat
Cherry Tomatoes
Whats your favorite video game?
Skyrim, SM Sunshine, Harvest Moon
One of these answers will do
What was Megyns favorite childhood cartoon?
Spongebob Squarepants
What is Isabellas birthday?
September 10th 2021