Important Info
Sign vs Symptom

Running late? Oh no! You better call the BAHEC office before this time

What is 4pm


This kind of information is NOT told to you by a patient

What is objective information


When a symptom starts

What is onset


BAHECs inclement weather policy is

What is if BPS is closed for after school, then BAHEC programming is closed


What a patient feels has brought them into the office, this must be a

What is a symptom


My pain moves around from my chest to my shoulder. My pain

What is radiates


Using your phone in class will cost your team how many points

What is 10 pts


I notice my patient has blue fingers and blue lips. I take this a _____ of lack of oxygen

What is a sign


Tylenol helps my heachache, the tylenol is

What is palliative


I wish it was 1-800-HOTLINEBLING, but this is BAHEC’s phone number

What is 617-534-5258


Whats up Doc?!  I'm conducting my interview and collecting information about my patients stomach ache, I want to get this

What is the history of present illness


I have a headache that is making me nauseous and dizzy. My nausea and dizziness is an

What is an associated symptom


The Vegas Rule: what happens here stays here. An example of sensitive information is

What are patient names, personal stories, etc.


I was collecting a history from a patient that my attending asked me to speak to and now its time to report my findings back to my attending but I don’t know why the patient is here. I forgot to find out this important bit of information.

What is chief complaint 


I have a pain in my shoulder that started on two days ago and only ice packs make it better and calms the stabbing pain that moves from my shoulder to my middle back that feels like a 5-8 on the worst days and last all day. You have 60 seconds to organize all this information into the OPQRST acronym.

O - two days ago

P - ice packs

Q - stabbing

R - moves to my middle back

S - 5 to 8

T - all day