The West
Prelude to Civil War

She wrote the novel "Uncle Tom's Cabin" which convinced many Northerners of the immorality of slavery

Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?


This man led a raid in Harper's Ferry Virginia.

Who is John Brown?


The first state to secede from the Union when Lincoln was elected. 

What is South Carolina?


What were the 2 political parties of Stephen Douglas and Abraham Lincoln?

Douglas - Democrat; Lincoln - Republican


Election of 1844 winner and known for dealing with lands acquired from the Mexican American War and Texas Revolution. Rhymes with Lames Folk

Who is James Polk? 


This boundaries of this territory were disputed with Britain with many Northerners demanding "54'40 or fight!" Be we got this northwest land in a treaty.



He won only 40% of the popular vote in 1860 but at the most electoral votes. First Republican President rhymes with Gabe.

Abraham Lincoln 


This part of the Compromise of 1850 was the most disagreeable to Northerners and contributed to the collapse of the Whig Party. People up North could not believe they were going to have to return escaped slaves!

Fugitive Slave Act


List his Supreme Court case and was deemed the “property” of his owner, even in free states.

Dred Scott


Due to the Compromise of 1850, this state was admitted without slavery.


The author of this cartoon is most likely from this group of people. List 4

Northerners, REpublicans, Aboltitionists, Free Soilers


This party was formed in 1848 and opposed the spread of slavery in the western territories.

Free Soil Party


He was elected after pledging to Annex Texas and get California from Mexico. Rhymes with Lames Folk.

James Polk


This 15th President (write before Lincoln in 1860) did not think he had the power to prevent the South from seceding. He made many angry with the Lecompton Constitution and trying to admit Kansas as a slave state. Rhymes with Lames Coocanon. 

Who was  James Buchanan


The Compromise of 1850 banned the slave trade where? Hint: our nations capital 

What is Washington D.C.?


Whig nominee in 1848 Presidential Election. The 12th President. Name sounds like Bachery Baylor. 

Who was Zachery Taylor?


Northerners opposed ____ because it took free territory and potentially made it slave territory. Like in John Brown’s state

What is the Kansas Nebraska Act?


Constitution drafted by pro-slavery advocates in Kansas that will make the North furious.

What was the Lecompton Constitution?


This was a proposal for the U.S. to purchase Cuba from Spain, angering many Northerners. The south wanted to make Cuba a part of a slave plantation. 

Ostend Manifesto


William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglas, Grimke Sisters, John Brown, Elizabeth Caddy Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Harriet Beecher Stowe were all 

Who were the Leaders of the Abolitionist Movement…


new party that was formed by former members of both the know-nothing party and whigs their political goal was to make sure that the union did not break up.

What is the Constitutional Union Party


He received new canes after he beat Charles Sumner on the floor of the Senate.

Preston Brooks.


This man proposed a slave code in the Senate in 1860

Who is Jefferson Davis


Border ruffians from this state crossed into Kansas to vote illegally for the proslavery government.


Southern Democrat nominee against Lincoln

Who is john c Breckenridge

This refers to Stephen Douglas's claim that popular sovereignty could still ban slavery in the territories even after the Dred Scott decision

The Freeport Doctrine

The Texas war for independence ended when he was captured 

General Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana 


President and Vice President of the new Confederate States of America

Jefferson Davis , and Alexander Stephens 


Lost his SupremeCase, was an abolitionist that thought the Free Soil party was a step in the right direction. He Escaped Slavery with an illegal  train ticket.

Frederick Douglas


After the Civil War, this Amendment to the US Constitution abolished slavery. 

What is the 13th Amendment?


This Compromise said new states would alternate between free and slave status but with consideration of any new state below the 36 30’ line would become a slave state and any above it would be free. 

What is the Missouri Compromise of 1820?


1846, David Wilmot, PA Congressman, introduced legislation prohibiting slavery in the territories won in the Mexican-American War.

What was the Wilmot Proviso?


U.S. Army General took down this radical abolitionist preacher at the Harpers Ferry raid in Virginia? Rhymes with don crown

John Brown


During the Texas Revolution, Davy Crockett a former Congressman from Tennessee and 200 others spent 13 days defending this Spanish fort from the Mexican soldiers but all died before US help arrived.  Rhymes with salamo 

What is the Alamo?


The power of the people to vote. 

Rhymes with copular hovereignty 

What is popular sovereignty?


The ruling of this Supreme Court case said. 

1. Black people are not citizens

2. Slaves do not become free when they enter free territory

3. Congress cannot prohibit slavery in any territory.

What is the Dred Scott v Sanford case?


Title given to 3 major leaders (Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, and John C Calhoun) of the Antebellum period. 

Rhymes with crate priumvirate

What is the Great Triumvirate? 


Missouri (slave state)  was the only state Stephen Douglas won during this election against Republican Abraham Lincoln.

What was the Election of 1860?


This Act repealed the Missouri Compromise and allowed popular sovereignty (voting) to decide slave/free state for the Kansas - Nebraska territories and also led to “Bleeding Kansas” because of rigged elections that popped up to sway the vote.

What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?


Mexico thought this river was its border with Texas (not the Rio Grande river) and was a major reason for the Mexican-American War.  

Rhymes with Mue s ez but starts with N

What was the Nueces River?


In the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, the U.S. paid $15 million dollars for this countries northern territories? Currently the US Southwest

What is Mexico?


What were 3 things that was added to the Republican platform in 1860 that was not there in 1856?   Hint: BR

What were the 

Homestead Act, tariff, and transcontinental railroad?