The first phase of Meiosis I
What is Prophase I?
On the board, draw and label the fourth phase of Meiosis II
Telophase II
The process by which a germ cell undergoes division twice to produce 4 gametes in which the chromosome number is halved.
What is Meiosis?
The type of mutation that results from a mistake during meiosis.
What is a germline or chromosome mutation?
The number and type of cells at the end of Meiosis II
What is 4 haploid cells?
The phase that occurs BEFORE Meiosis I.
What is Interphase I?
On the board, draw and label the third phase of Meiosis II
What is Anaphase II?
Meiosis in males produces.
What are sperm?
A duplicated homologous chromosome is made of two of these.
What are sister chromatids?
The purpose of meiosis.
What is: to produce 4 gametes that have half of the number of chromosomes than the parent cell?
The third phase of Meiosis I
What is Anaphase I?
On the board, draw and label the first phase of Meiosis II
What is Prophase II?
The process in Meiosis that ensures more genetic variation (occurs in Prophase I)
What is crossing over?
If humans have 46 chromosomes in a skin cell, they have this many chromosomes in an egg or sperm cell.
What is 23 chromosomes?
Types of chromosomes that line up in the middle of cell during Metaphase I and are separated during Anaphase I
What are pairs of homologous chromosomes?
The last phase of Meiosis I
What is Telophase I & Cytokinesis
On the board, draw and label the second phase of Meiosis II
What is Metaphase II?
Meiosis in females occurs.
When is in the womb?
2 chromosomes that are similar is size, shape and genetic content are referred to as…
What are Homologous Chromosomes?
Types of chromosomes that line up in the middle of cell during Metaphase II and are separated during Anaphase II
What are chromosomes and sister chromatids?
The second phase of Meiosis I
What is Metaphase I?
The last part of Meiosis II (after PMAT)
What is cytokinesis?
A reproductive process that involves two parents that combine their genetic material to produce a new organism, which differs from both parents
What is Sexual reproduction?
Chromosome mutations have three types.
What are translocation, nondisjunction, or duplication? (need one)
The purpose or benefit of genetic variation.
What is increased survival and adaptability?