I am the Avodah Zarah (1) that was requested when that fool fell from his bed (2). I mean, who does that??
1. Baal Zevuv
2. Achaziah ben Achav
My wife (1) kept pestering me to build a vacation rental for these 2 traveling guys (2)
1. Isha Gedola
2. Elisha and Gechazi
I was used to cure the waters in Yericho
אבי אבי רכב ישראל ופרשיו
Elisha when Eliyahu was taken in a fiery storm
לכי מכרי את השמן ושלמי את נשייך
I begged the Navi (1) atop the mountain to spare me and my men (2) from the heavenly fire that would consume us.
1. Eliyahu
2. The third officer of 50 and his men
I am the highest and mightiest officer (1) in the land and the King (2) absolutely adores me.
1. Naaman
2. Melech Aram
I was used to cure the poisonous stew
ראשי ראשי
The son of the Isha Gedola in the fields
We (1) kept badgering the guy (2) to go find his master, it's not like he just disappeared into thin air!
1. Bnei Haneviim
2. Elisha
I am the nephew of a great lady (1) and my mother was zoche to have me (2) after helping Elisha
1. Avishag Hashunamis
2. Ido hanavi
I was used to get the borrowed ax head from the water of the Yarden
a new piece of wood
המבלי אין אלוקים בישראל אתם הולכים לדרוש בבעל זבוב
Eliyahu to Achaziah when he fell from the bed
בתוך עמי אני יושבת
The Isha Gedola said this to Elisha that she didn't need a bracha from him
I was sick and tired of paying taxes (1) to that miserable lazy king (2), so I rebelled.
1. Meisha Melech Moav
2. Yehoram Melech Achav
I can't stand Elisha, he makes me so mad (1), but my buddy has a way of calming him down (2)
1. Yehoram Melech Yisrael
2. Yehoshafat Melech Yehuda
I was given to Gechazi to revive the boy
Elisha's staff
הידעת כי היום ה׳ לוקח את אדונך מעל ראשך?
The Bnei Heneviim when Elisha and Eliyahu were going to the Yarden
ועתה קחו לי מנגן
After a guy almost killed everyone with his poison stew, I brought over tons of bread!
Ish M'Baal Shalisha
Elisha really thinks he can fix the hunger from the siege, but I certainly don't
Officer of the king
I looked like this when the waters reflected off the sun
לא הלך עבדיך אנה ואנה
Gechazi lied to Elisha that he didn't go anywhere, when really he went to Naaman to take gifts
האלוקים אני להמית ולהחיות כי זה שולח אלי לאסוף איש מצרעתו?
yehoram was so nervous that the king of Aram wanted him to heal Naaman