How many plans do we offer?
How much is Deals for employees?
1 per month
How much does Infoguard cost for the first month?
What services can customer service offer and transfer?
Deals, Healthcare, Home Security, Infoguard, ALL
Can a supervisor take a Home Security call?
How much can it save up too?
What is the price of the Dental care for employees?
$14.95 per month
What is the max amount of points customers can earn from Infoguard?
8 Points
What services can Customer Service cancel?
Deals, Infoguard, Healthcare
Do you need to own your home to have a Home Security System?
What is the SKU number for MelaDeals?
Pharmacy, Vision, Hearing, Health Advocate
How much is the ID theft coverage and remediation?
What services can be transferred to a Supervisor if Marketing Services is unavailable?
Deals, Infoguard, Healthcare
What are all of the plans offered?
Smart home plan, Video plan, Core Security plan
How much is it for a non-member?
$41.99 per year
What States do NOT accept Healthcare Savings?
Vermont, Washington, Montana
What % do members save on Infoguard Vs. Non-members?
What is the Hashtag number for Marketing Services Customer Service?
How many points is the Video plan?
7 Points
What website can be used to preview discounts available through Healthcare Savings?
Why is Infoguard Non-refundable?
It will last through the end of the month (service rendered)
The catalog