Key Terms
The Industrial Revolution.
The North Transformed.
The Plantation South.
Americans move Westward.
What was a Cotton Gin used for?
It was used as a spiked cylinder to remove the seeds from the cotton fibers.
About how old would the kids be when they were hired by the factory owners?
as young as 7-8
How was the Morse Code represented?
It was represented by "dots" and "dashes".
African Americans sang and prayed ______ to keep hope during there difficult journeys.
In 1775 Daniel Boone cleared a route to the west which is called the _____?
the wilderness road.
many people invested in capitals or money buisnesses to earn a profit, what were they called?
Who were the Lowell Girls?
They were young women who worked in factories from nearby farms and lived in boarding houses.
What did the clipper ships (Yankee ships) look like?
They were long, slender, with tall masts, and swift vessels.
What happened when Nat Turner led a revolt and killed 60 white people? what did the whites do in return?
They executed innocent African Americans.
Which senator persuaded congress to adopt the missouri compromise?
Henry Clay
Urbanization was the growth of what?
Urbanization was the growth of cities due to movement of people from rural areas to cities.
What were some disadvantages of building factories on riverbanks?
one, was that in dry seasons the machines had no power, also most factories were far from cities and labor was hard to find in rural areas.
In 1807 what did Robert Fulton use a steam engine for?
He used it to power a boat.
Why did planters use more slave labor in the 1790's?
They had over 698,000 slaves to help and work by growing more cotton.
Why were corduroy roads a hazard to horses?
Because they could easily break there leg if they slipped through a log.
What was one of the most important developments in the Lowell System with the new methods?
The most important developments was the mass production.
Why did many women that worked in Lowell Girls gained more education they probably wouldn't have had on their family farms?
In the boarding houses, there were libraries, and the women attended lectures.
What were some of the problems growing cities faced in the streets of urban cities?
Filthy streets, bad sewage systems, and a lack of good drinking water that spread diseases.
Who invented the cotton gin?
Eli Whitney.
how did turnpikes get there name?
It was a bar on a hinge swung out across the road the bar resembled a pike or a spear too.
Fill in the sentence "Many African Americans were denied equal rights or equal treatment in the 1800's, this was called _________."
Many African Americans were denied equal rights or equal treatment in the 1800's, this was called discrimination.
The _____ was the change in they way people made goods in the late 1700's
Industrial Revolution.
What happened in Ireland that led more than a million people to starve to death and about a million more to leave Ireland?
The spread of famine.
What were some of the disadvantages African Americans had by law?
They were excluded from menial jobs, the children couldnt go to public schools, they could not vote, serve juries or testify against whites.
In 1819 how many free and slave states were there?
There were 11 free states and 11 slave states.