Hometown where Melissa grew up
Westfield, NJ
Julian's last name
A sport Melissa did as a child
Where Melissa went to college
Name of Melissa's pet Chinese Water dragon
The name of Melissa and Julian's radio show
The name of the summer camp Melissa went to
Stars of Tomorrow/Stage Struck Kids
Her minor in college
Melissa and her sisters played a role in this event twice
Hot Dog Eating Contest
A tropical island Melissa has been to
Aruba, Jamaica, Bermuda, Bahamas
This is where Julian lived for two years while dating Melissa
A book series Melissa liked as a child
A Series of Unfortunate Events
The story Melissa's mom told the tour guide when she toured TCNJ
"This library used to be a pub!"
Type of sandwich Melissa ate everyday for a year in Elementary School
The names of two European countries Melissa has been to in the same summer
Spain, Italy, Monaco
A country Melissa and Julian have traveled to together
England, Canada
The name of the TV show Melissa wrote into when she was 5 years old (and ended up on the show)
Bloopie's Buddies
The famous person Melissa met at TCNJ
Kel Mitchell
A movie Melissa has made a trailer for
Mamma Mia 2, Bridget Jones Diary 2, etc.
Country where Melissa traveled with a broken wrist
This person gets credit for how Melissa and Julian met
Melissa's mom
The name of the sports camp Melissa went to
Kevin Boyle Basketball Camp
The phrase Melissa would say throughout her radio show
Open your mind
Name the 5 countries her ancestors are from
Italy, Ireland, England, Germany, Norway