The store where Sam and Melissa met
What is Joann Fabric?
Name of the popular couple on The Office
Who is Jim and Pam?
What is the periodic table?
The city in which the nearest Ikea is located.
What is Schaumburg?
What is dairy?
Who is Oliver?
The man excited for Pretzel Day
Who is Stanley?
This is the powerhouse of the cell
What is Mitochondria?
What is Sweden?
The holes in cheese are known as this anatomical part of the body
What are the eyes?
Food eaten on Melissa and Sam's first date
What is tacos?
The food that Jim puts Dwight's stapler in
What is jello?
The subject that Melissa majored in at Loyola and teaches now
What is Forensic Science?
The popular food item served at Ikea for a special price of $5.99
What is Swedish Meatballs?
What is Wisconsin?
City in which Melissa's family lives
The title of the song by what artist is associated with Jim and Pam's wedding
What is "Forever" by Chris Brown?
Another name for Avogadro's number
What is the mole (6.022 E23)?
The name of the cube storage furniture at Ikea
What is Kallax?
The longest amount of time that a cheese has been aged
Melissa's favorite episode of The Office
What is the Chair Model episode?
Who is Leslie David Baker (Stanley)?
Three biological sources of DNA
What is blood, saliva, tissue, or other bodily fluids?
What is the Bible?
Country other than France that eats the most cheese per head of population
Daily Double: The number of pounds of cheese consumed per person per year in these two countries
What is Greece?
Daily Double: What is 55-73 pounds?