This is how long the first thanksgiving lasted
What is 3 days?
An athlete is able to jump FOREVER. However, everytime that she jumps she gets a bit more tired, and every jump goes 1/2 as far as her prior jump. Now, for her very first jump, she goes 1/2 of a foot.
How many jumps will she take before she reaches 1 foot?
She will never make it
How do you make the number 7 even without addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division?
Take away an S
In the parable about the Jewish traveler who falls among thieves who beat and rob him. Three men pass him but only one helps... Who are the three men?
В притче о еврейском путешественнике, который попадает в число разбойников, которые его избивают и грабят. Трое мужчин проходят мимо, но помогает только один ... Кто эти трое?
Jewish Priest, a Jewish Levite and a Samaritan
Еврейский священник, еврейский левит и самаритянин
The average life span for a US citizen is 78 years and the oldest living person is 117. If the old testament spanned about 4,000 years and the oldest person in the bible was 969.
Who is the oldest person in this room??????????
This is the year that the first thanksgiving was celebrated
Это год празднования первого дня благодарения
What is 1621
The ages of a father and son add up to 66. The father’s age is the son’s age reversed. How old could they be?
Возраст отца и сына в сумме составляет 66 лет. Возраст отца - это возраст сына наоборот. Сколько им может быть лет?
51 and 15
42 and 24
60 and 06
How many sides does a circle have?
Сколько сторон у круга?
2 the inside and the outside
This is Abrahams second wife?
Это вторая жена Авраама?
A man takes his car to a hotel. Upon reaching the hotel, he is immediately declared bankrupt.
Мужчина отвозит машину в гостиницу. По прибытии в отель его сразу же объявляют банкротом.
He is playing monopoly
Is is a Christmas song that was originally written for thanksgiving
Это рождественская песня, изначально написанная для Дня благодарения.
What is Jingle bells?
What is PIG - 3.14?
When John was six years old he hammered a nail into his favorite tree to mark his height. Ten years later at age sixteen, John returned to see how much higher the nail was. If the tree grew by five centimeters each year, how much higher would the nail be?
This is the writing inscribed by the hand of God in the book of Daniel
Это слова, начертанное рукой Бога в книге Даниила.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!! What does it mean?
мене, мене, текел, упарсин.
God has numbered the days of your reign and brought it to an end. You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting. Your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians. Daniel 5:25
This is the year the cold war officially ended
Это год окончания холодной войны
This is the State that consumes the most turkey each year
Это штат, который потребляет больше всего индейки каждый год.
What is California?
Cat + Table - Turtle = 170
+ Turtle + Table - Cat = 130
2(Table) = 300
A woman shoots her husband, then holds him underwater for five minutes. Next, she hangs him. Right after, they enjoy a lovely dinner.
She took a photo of him
The oldest man in the Bible, Methuselah died before his father. How could that be?
Мафусаил, самый старый человек в Библии, умер раньше своего отца. Как такое могло быть?
His father was Enoch who did not die. Genesis 5:24
What was the original title of Jane Austen’s classic novel Pride & Prejudice?
Who was the first President to pardon a turkey?
Кто был первым президентом, простившим индейку?
John F. Kennedy
2(34 ÷ 32 + 5) - 100 ÷ 5
A sundial has the fewest moving part of any timepiece what timepiece has the most moving parts?
An hourglass
This is Timothy's grandmother
Это бабушка Тимоти
Who is Lois? 2 Timothy 1:5
What is a duel between three people called?
A truel