Programs & Services
RYSE Protocols

Programing offering art, music , video and programing/internship opportunities

What is Media Arts and Culture 


Drop in activities are held through out the season, this is a...

What is a program


this is watch G or PG rated shows, avoid violence, drugs, sexual content, and extreme history shows.

what is tv/video game Protocol 


This is your director supervisors

Who is Rayana and Dalia


This is where you get school, career, entrepreneurship supports 

what's the Legacy


Thanks to this team youth are held accountable to follow the house agreements and receive tours and orientations to complete their membership.   

What is Member Engagement Team 


Youth receive support with resumes development, tutoring and finance planning.  

What is Zymbolic 


This is the Empty Rooms Policy

What is RYSE members are not allowed to hang out in program and meeting room spaces that are empty and are not being supervised by staff. Staff should always lock up any office or program space that is lockable after every use. If staff see members in those spaces they should remind them of the protocol and redirect them to a designated member hangout space. If they wish to use the room for a specific activity they must connect with a staff member and the front desk to reserve the room.


this is your department and team 

Who is Youth Power Building and Member Engagement Team 


This is the hangout spaces 

What is Courtyard/outdoor spaces, Collaboration space, unity lounge, upstairs/downstairs in commons, deck


Identity Groups, Wellness spaces and cooking workshops help guide youth to find healthy ways to express their interest in food, relationships building and personal identity. 

What is Health Justice 


This service is accessed across three departments helping youth advocate their needs, build action plans for improvement and other supports to build security in our youth life 

What is Case Management 


this is Making rounds

What is Walking around the area you signed up to float around

going all the way in and checking hidden areas

saying hi to anyone you see in the spaces

having conversations with members who may be seen not upholding the agreements (slacking out in member engagement channel that you've done this)

checking to make sure no one unfamiliar is on campus and safety is being upheld.


The Co-Founders of RYSE 

Who is Kanwarpal and Kimberly 


the location of the money team is

what is Upstairs Commons


You can find the RESTORE program in this department 

What is the Youth Justice Department 


Case management is considered this



the 4 duties you are responsible for as a floater

what is Communicating with the other floater

Making rounds in HJC, the Village, and bathroom hallways

Covering the computer lab

Bringing out/playing board games, video games, basketball

Interacting with members


This type of staff can be found in the Health Justice Center 

what is Therapist 


This is what we will be to the community 

what is RYSE Resilience hub


You can find case management in these department 

What is Health Justice, Education & Economics Justice, and Youth Justice 


To be seen, connected to resources, and you must fill out a referral form this is a...

What is a service 


These are the 4 protocols we reviewed 

What is Computer lab, Room, tv/video game, and floater Protocol 


This is the Director of Youth Power Building 

who is Jamileh 


This is what we will give to the community

What is clean air, electricity, produce, and resources