Membership Basics
Health & Safety
Behavior Expectations
Core Program Areas
Technology & Communication

What must a caregiver do to for a new child to become a club member?

Attend an orientation and purchase a membership.


What is the minimum requirement for staff certification at the Club regarding first aid?

At least one CPR/First Aid-certified staff member must always be on-site.


What are the three core behavior expectations at the Club?

Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Safe.


What are the three priority areas in Boys & Girls Club programming?

Academic Success, Good Character & Citizenship, Healthy Lifestyles.


Where can caregivers find updates on Club activities and events?

On the Club’s Facebook page and via email.


What is the Club's policy if membership capacity is full?

Children are placed on a waiting list.


What is the Club's procedure if a child has a minor injury, like a scrape or bruise?

Staff will administer basic first aid, such as band-aids and ice packs.


What reward can Club members earn through positive behavior?

They can earn rewards like parties or be recognized as Youth of the Month.


What is one example of a program from the Education core area?

Power Hour or STEAM Club.


what is the Club’s policy regarding personal electronic devices in locker rooms and restrooms?

They are strictly prohibited.


How many membership fees does the Boys & Girls Club have, and what determines them?

Two; based on whether the site is a center or school site


How long must a child stay home after having a fever of 100 degrees or higher?

24 hours after the fever returns to normal without medication.


What is the first tier of behavior support called, and what does it provide?

Tier 1: Universal Strategies, providing foundational support for all Club members.


Which program area includes "Healthy Habits" and "Cooking Club"?

Health & Wellness.


What are Club members not allowed to do with Club-owned or personal devices?

Record, transmit, or post pictures or videos without permission.


What is required for a child to leave the Club on their own?

Written or verbal consent from the caregiver.


What safety measure is taken before allowing a child to swim in any facility?

Staff verify the presence of certified lifeguards and appropriate safety equipment.


What must happen if a child is suspended from school?

They cannot attend the Club until the suspension ends.


What is the purpose of the "Leadership & Service" programs?

To build leadership skills and give youth the confidence to create change.


What must a Club member do if their device is confiscated due to misuse?

Their caregiver must pick up the device at the end of the day.


What happens if a caregiver repeatedly picks up their child late from the Club?

Club may enforce early pickup, limit attendance, or revoke membership.


In case of a lice outbreak, what happens if a child has nits but no active lice?

The child may remain at the Club site.


What steps are taken if a child continues to exhibit challenging behavior despite multiple interventions?

The child may be referred to outside services through community partnerships, and reentry conditions could be set, such as a behavior-support plan or caregiver participation. 


What are the Five Key Elements for Positive Youth Development?

A safe positive environment, fun and a sense of belonging, supportive relationships, opportunities and expectations, and recognition.


How does the Boys & Girls Club ensure fairness in its use of AI technology?

AI algorithms are monitored to avoid biases and ensure fairness.