What is the name of the game/meme where you die if you touch the floor?
The floor is lava
What year was the fraternity founded in America?
Who was Ms.TTU of homecoming of 2017?
Emily Bass
Where were we founded?
New York University Law School
What is Tennessee's nickname?
The Volunteer State
What is the nickname of the mean cat meme?
Grumpy Cat
Who was the founder of the original order of the fraternity in Italy?
Manuel Chrysoloras
What is our mascot's name?
Awesome Eagle
Where is our International Office located?
Philadelphia, PA
Who is the current Vice President of the U.S?
Mike Pence
WhAt MemE iS aSSocIatEd wiTh tHis foNt?
Mocking Spongebob
Who designed the badge of the order?
Edmund Rodgers
What was the founding name of our school?
University of Dixie
Who are our founders? (name all 5)
Dorothy, Ida, Minna, Eva, and Sylvia
What is Tennessee's flower?
What are the 2 pairs of colors of "The Dress" meme?
Black/blue and White/gold
Who is the brother that was a republican senator who ran for Presidency against Clinton?
Bob Dole
What was stolen from a hotel as a prop for a pep rally before a football game against MTSU?
Eagle statue
What is the title of our International Magazine?
The Triad
What state is the most visited state in the US?
New York
Which celebrity most relates to Arthur meme?
John Legend
What is the nickname of the brother who said this quote "Why not put our apples of gold in pictures of silver" ?
Golden Hearted Virginian
What is the name of the legendary dog buried beside the fire hydrate on the Quad?
How many pearls surround the triangle of our pin?
Which 3 Presidents are from Tennessee?
Andrew Jackson, James K. Polk and Andrew Johnson