Fear Vocabulary
Myth Vocabulary
Fear Content
Myth Content
AP Terms/Devices

To perceive or recognize something is which term?

-Maceration, Discern, Homeopathic, Contorted, Indelible 


A paved, public walk is known as a .....

microcosm, promenade, retrospect




Name the two fears that the author has. Because of these fears, she has trouble doing what?

She fears rats and being lost.

She has trouble sleeping. 


Explain Cofer's tone/attitude in this memoir. Provide evidence for support. 

She is frustrated/annoyed. She is this way because she keeps having people treat her differently because of her background. 


Give the definition of an antecedent. 

The word that a pronoun is referring back.


Contorted means to twist or bend out of its normal shape. What part of speech is this?



Coalesced means to come together to form as one.  

What is the part of speech?



Describe Verlaan's tone, and give evidence for support. 

Frustrated- not able to sleep and she doesn't know why she keeps thinking about her fears


Name two of her person experiences that she went through, and that she mentioned in the memoir. 

The men singing to her on the bus and hotel. The lady thinking of her as the waitress staffl 


"Fear is a powerful presence in the mind."

What is the debvice being used here?

Metaphor: fear vs. presence


Give the definition for homeopathic. 

The philosophy that the body can heal itself (sometimes with remedies). 


Give the definition of microcosm.

a community/situation that is a small version of something bigger


How did Verlaan compare her fears to the painting of The Weeping Woman?

Verlaan doesn't understand why she still has her fears, just like she doesn't understand the painting that Picasso was depicting. 

Cofer's memoir can be informative, but it can also be persuasive. What could she be trying to persuade?

She could be persuading society to NOT be judgemental. 

She could be persuading society that everyone is judged at some point; no one is alone in it. 

"Though I now know that most adolescents feels out of step much of the time, I also know that for the Puerto Rican girls of my generation that sense was intensified." 

What type of sentence is this: loose or periodic? How do you know?

It is periodic because the independent clause is at the end. 


The term for making marks that can't be erased is....



Give the definition and part of speech for the word retrospect


events that happened over time


Why does Verlaan not like rats? What did she realize about them after her big writing on how they looked? 

She hates the way that they look. She then feels sorry for them, and she knows that they are truly innocent and she appreciates them for that. 

Other than being a "hot tamale" since she is a Latina, how else are women Latina's being stereotyped?

She was being stereotyped as a woman who should be domesticated (stay at home), not work hard, etc.


Give me one device that was used in Perspectives on Fear, and you must give the example. 

-A pebble (metaphor)

-A shoebox (simile)

-Imagery ( a lot)

-Rhetorical Questionsing


Give the definition and part of speech for the term amalgamation

the act of combining (verb)

Give the connection between the word pervasive and the myth memoir. 

-Stereotypes spreading widely


Other than the painting, what other object did Verlaan compare her fears? (When she lies in bed, she sees this image outside)

Shoeboxes... she wants the fears to be neatly stacked in her mind, organized, and more understanding


"in Spanish to an Anglo God/with a Jewish hertiage," and they are "fervently hoping that if not omnipotent/at least He be bilingual." 

Whose poetry was this, and why do you think Cofer decided to end her memoir with this quote?

It is from HER own poem. 

This quote is talking about how she hopes that one day everyone is being judged on the person within and not by their ethnicity. 


"Though rarer, these incidents are still commonpace in my life."

"Because of my education and my proficiency with the English language."

Which is the dependent clause, and which is the independet clause?

First is independent