The Iliad Characters
Quotations from The Iliad
The Iliad Plot
The Iliad Potpourri
Even MoreThe Iliad Potpourri

He was the first Greek to land at Troy; the first Greek to die in the war. 

Who was Protesilaus?


"If we ransom you or let you go, you will come some second time to the ships of the Achaeans either as a spy or as an open enemy, but if I kill you and make an end of you, you will give no more trouble." 

Diomed said this to Dolon. 


Homer says that Achilles will rejoin the battle when this happens. 

What is Patroclus is dead? 

A river of Hades by which the gods swear their most serious oaths.

What is the river Styx? 


Brother of death; son of Night.

Who is Sleep? 


Give the name of Patroclus' father.

Who is Menoetius? 


"If I stay here and fight, I shall not return alive but my name will live forever; whereas if I go home my name will die, but it will be long ere death shall take me." 

Achilles said this to the embassy/Phoenix. 


According to Achilles, this is the paradox of Agamemnon's actions. 

What is Agamemnon undertook the war to save Helen, and he then took Briseis from Achilles. 

He disables Hector with a rock.

Who is Ajax son of Telamon?


Describe Sarepdon. 

He is a very old mortal; son of Zeus; king of Lycia. 


Name the grandson of Bellerophon and the cousin and squire of Sarpedon. 

Who is Glaucus? 


"There is one omen, and only one- that a man should fight for his country." 

Hector said this to Polydamas. 


This man interprets Zeus' bird sign to the Trojans as meaning that the Trojans might break the Greek wall but lose many men at the ships. 

Who is Polydamas?


The immortal horses of Achilles are doing this, while the battle for Patroclus' body rages. 

What is weeping? 

Name two reasons Achilles warns Patroclus to not attack the Trojan city. 

1. Achilles doesn't want Patroclus to take the glory.

2. A god might attack him. 


Great inventor of Crete who built the labyrinth.

Who is Daedalus? 


"You know no pity; knight Peleus was not your father nor Thetis your mother, but the grey sea bore you and the sheer cliffs begot you, so cruel and remorseless are you." 

Patroclus said this to Achilles. 


Name the character who volunteers to spy on the Greeks and what happens to him. 

Who is Dolon? And what is killed? 

Idomeneus gives Meriones this. He had twenty from Trojans he killed. 

What is a helmet? 


Tell why Hector wants to keep fighting at the ships. 

He wants to keep fighting at the ships so that he can slay Hector and have all the glory for himself. 

King of the Thracians.

Who is Rhesus? 


"Alas! poor wretch, you arm in the armor of a hero before whom many another trembles, and you reck nothing of the doom that is already close upon you. You have killed his comrade so brave and strong, but it was not well that you should strip the armor from his head and shoulders..." 

Zeus muttered this about Hector. 


Name three elements of Nestor's military strategy and explain why it would be effective. 

1. Put chariots in front and have them stay together. 

2. Put brave foot soldiers at the rear. 

3. Put the cowards in the middle, so they can't flee. 


This is on the outermost rim of Achilles' new shield.

What is River Oceanus? 


Describe the decision Euchenor made before coming to the Trojan War. 

He had to decide whether to stay home, pay a fine, and die of a terrible disease; or go to Troy and be killed in battle. 


Son of Nestor, lead fighter of the men of Pylos, friend of Achilles



If ever I get home again to set my eyes on my native place, my wife, and the greatness of my house, may someone cut my head off then and there, if I do not break the bow and set it on a hot fire – such pranks as it plays me.

Pandarus said this to Aeneas


Before divulging any information, Calchas, seeks the protection of__________. He says that the pestilence has come because.______________.

Achilles; Apollo is angry because Agamemnon has taken the daughter of his priest


Why didn’t Achilles immediately come out to defend the body of Patroclus?

He had no armor.


When challenged by Idomeneus,  Deiphobus calls for______________ because his brother-in-law, Alcathous has been killed
