Purpose and Origins
Name that War
Ways to Celebrate
True or False

Why do we celebrate Memorial Day?

To remember and show respect for people who died in wars to protect our country. 


Another name for this war is the Great War, though the name changed after an even bigger war was fought after it. 

World War I

It happened because of tension between powerful European countries as they competed with each other to become the most powerful. 


What was the first way that people showed respect for fallen soldiers leading up to Memorial Day? (This still goes on today).

Putting flowers on soldiers' graves


Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day.


This was because people would decorate the soldiers' graves in order to remember them.


When do we celebrate Memorial Day? 

The last Monday in May every year


This war involved countries in almost every part of the world. It was the biggest war the world has ever known. 

World War II

It happened because of tension at the end of World War I. Germany lost World War I and had to pay for the damage. Adolph Hitler, Germany's leader, vowed not to pay the damage and to make Germany great. He started a terrible war to try and do this. 


One may to celebrate Memorial Day is by getting a bunch of people to walk together in memory of fallen soldiers while other people look on and cheer. What is this type of march called? 



Two places have claimed to be the birthplace of the Memorial Day holiday. 


More than a half dozen places have claimed to be Memorial Day's birthplace!


After one particular war, people decided to do special things to remember fallen war heroes, which started Memorial Day. Which war was this? 

The American Civil War


This war was fought over whether or not slavery should be stopped. 

The American Civil War

During this war, the USA divided into two parts: the United States of America, who was against slavery, and the Confederate States of America, which was for slavery. The United States of America won!


What else can people put on soldiers' graves to celebrate Memorial Day?

Flags and insignias (badges that show special honor or a special job, like being a soldier)


On May 1st, 1865, a large group of African American freed slaves had their own gathering to honor fallen Union soldiers. 


This was one of the first examples something similar to a Memorial Day celebration before Memorial Day became an official holiday.


In 1868, Commander-in-Chief John Logan came up with the idea that led to Memorial day. He said a holiday should be celebrated on May 30th for fallen Civil War soldiers. What did he think people should do on that day? 

People should decorate the soldiers' graves with flowers and decorations to honor them. 


After WWII, there was tension between the USA and the Soviet Union as both countries tried to keep each other from getting too powerful. Though this didn't become a war in itself, many smaller wars started because of it, and it was called a war anyway. What was it called? 

Cold War


People celebrate Memorial Day with speeches. Where can these speeches be heard?

TV, governmental areas, cemeteries for soldiers, and religious institutions


Some Southern States have a day similar to Memorial Day, but they commemorate fallen Confederate soldiers instead of Union soldiers. 



What did Congress proclaim about the city of Waterloo, NY in 1966?

In 1966, Congress proclaimed that the city of Waterloo, NY became the official birthplace of Memorial Day back in 1866. 


This war started in 1954 and lasted 11 years. The USA entered the war to try to end a type of governemtn called Communism in another country. 

Vietnam War


At Arlington National Cemetery, an important US military cemetery, people show respect to soldiers who died but whose names aren't known by placing a wreath on a special grave. What is the name on the grave? 

There is no name, since the soldier's names have been lost. It only says:

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier


After World War II, Memorial Day became a day to honor fallen soldiers from any American war, not just the Civil War. 


This took place after WWI, not WWII!