Revolutionary War
American Generals
Major Wars
American Songs
American Symbols

On this date, the Declaration of Independence was signed.

What is July 4th, 1776?


The first general of the U.S.

Who is George Washington?


This war started in 1861, and was fought over slavery in America.

What is the Civil War?


This person wrote what is now the national anthem in 1814.

Who is Francis Scott Key?


The American flag originally had this many stars.

What is thirteen?


These are the two places where the first battles of the Revolution happened.

What are Lexington and Concord?


This person was general for the Union during the Civil War.

Who is Ulysses S. Grant?


WWII ended when bombs were dropped on these two places.

What are Hiroshima and Nagasaki?


This song started with the lines:

[The name], land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above.

What is "God Bless America?"


Originally invented by the Greeks, America is proud of this: our way of bestowing power.

What is Democracy?


This group of men from all thirteen colonies met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to discuss and govern America.

What is the Continental Congress?


First a general in the American army, then a general in the British army, this person is arguably the most famous traitor in American history.

Who is Benedict Arnold?


This war was arguably one of the most unpopular wars in American history.

What is the Vietnam War?


This song was originally used as an insult to American colonial soldiers, but is now known as a patriotic song.

What is "Yankee Doodle?"


This is the national animal of America.

What is the Bald Eagle?


This battle was the last major land one in the Revolution, and led to the surrender of General Cornwallis and his army.

What is the Battle of Yorktown?


General John J. Pershing served the United States in the Indian Wars and the Spanish-American War, but most notably during this war.

What is World War I?


This war lead to the fall of four imperial dynasties: Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, and Turkey.

What is World War I?


This song is also known as the "Black National Anthem."

What is "Lift Every Voice and Sing?"


Gifted from France, this sculpture was a symbol of freedom and hope to the people immigrating to Ellis Island.

What is the Statue of Liberty?


Despite popular belief, Paul Revere probably yelled this instead of "The British are coming!"

What is "The regulars are out!"?


This general ordered the invasion of Normandy, Germany during WWII.

Who is Dwight Eisenhower?


Also known as "America's Forgotten War," this war was also fought with the British, and takes its name after the year it started.

What is the War of 1812?


Written by Woody Guthrie, this song was written in 1940 and is sometimes considered an "alternative national anthem."

What is "This Land is Your Land?"


The Liberty Bell, after much moving around, is now here.

What is Independence Hall?