What are the school's colors?
Green and White
What time does the school day start?
8:05 AM
Use this to help keep track of your homework
Agenda (planner)
If you get lost, no one will help you
FALSE - there will be many people the first few weeks in the hallways to help you. If you are still lost, you can go to the office!
What are 3 of the clubs that are available?
Student Government, Book Club, School Newspaper, LEGO league, Ping-Pong, School Store, Homework Club, Leaders Club, Math Counts, After-School Sports, Garden Club, History Day, Yearbook, Mock Trial, You-Be-The-Chemist
What is the name of the Principal?
Mrs. Murphy
What time does school end?
2:45 PM
You can only stay after school if you are in trouble
FALSE - many activities are available for you to participate in
What Sports Are Available?
Cross Country, Field Hockey, Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Softball
What is the school's mascot?
What are your options for "performance block"
Chorus, Band, Orchestra or Global Communications
Setting one of these and working toward it will help you succeed
You need to change your clothes for P.E.
TRUE - you have 5 minutes before and after class to change
What are the options for lunch?
Hot lunch, deli bar, assorted salads
How do I check my grades?
Powerschool or Google Classroom
What do you do if you want to add or drop a class?
Talk with your parents first, then talk to your teacher and your school counselor.
You should do this at least 20 minutes a day
You will take classes that were not in elementary school
TRUE - Foreign Language (French or Spanish), Technology Education, Computer Class, Performance Block
What do kids do at recess?
Four Square, Gaga Ball, Basketball, Soccer, Sit or Walk and Talk
What are the Unified Arts classes?
P.E., Music Theory, Library Media, Study Hall, Health
Where do you go if you forget your locker combination?
The main office
The best way to do your best in school is to try hard and always do your ________
I can carry my cellphone to class with me!
FALSE -cellphones must stay in your locker for the day. You can bring them out at dismissal if you need to contact a parent for pickup.
What do you do if you're having a bad day?
Go to your school counselor -Mrs. Selvidio or Mrs. Orefice