Parts of the Brain
Poor Jason
Throw in some R's
Testing testing 123
The Fun Ones

The thalamus processes every sense except for thmell, is a fancy way to memorize its function and an example of what?

What is a mnemonic?


After Jason had a terrible car accident, he was able to remember the moment vividly even months later. What form of memory is responsible? 

What is flashbulb memory?


After practicing a math equation more than once, you will be able to remember it more easily than you did initially. 

What is Relearning?


Eddy decided to split his studying to 20 minutes a night as opposed to 2 hours the night before for his test. He ended up doing much better than he normally does. What is this distributed study method referred to as?

What is the Spacing Effect?


After being shown an image of the Mona Lisa for a fraction of a second, a person may still be able to identify the image using their...

What is Iconic Memory?


The part of the brain responsible for storing memories.

What is the hippocampus?


Jason was goofing off in class and not listening to his teacher’s lesson. When the teacher asked Jason what she had just said, he was able to repeat it even though he wasn’t paying attention due to his..? 

What is echoic memory?


In which process do we take information out of our brain's storage?

What is retrieval?


The term used to describe the process of putting individual pieces of information in large chunks

What is chunking?


Hairy had a hard time remembering her new address after moving to a new home, and could only ever remember her old one. What was likely the problem? 

What is Proactive Interference?

The part of the brain that associates emotion with memory. 

What is the amygdala? 


After seeing the number 21 everywhere while walking to school, when asked about his age, he automatically responds with 21, resulting in his parents kicking him out of the house as he is immediately old enough to live on his own. Jason is 14. 

What is Priming?


The identification of a vocabulary term after you had just previously learned it.

What is recognition?

Rewriting the notes and using flashcards or putting in effort when studying for a test, is an example of what kind of processing?

What is Effortful Processing?

After being told the variety of cereal options, Tomus only remembered the first and last option. What is this an example of?

What is the Serial Position Effect?


Sara was able to remember her dance routine through procedural memory due to this part of the brain?

What is the cerebellum?


After Jason got hit in the head with a football really really hard, he discovered that he was unable to make new memories, which means he likely had...

What is Anterograde Amnesia? 


After getting a new phone in high school, she had remembers her new number but is unable to remember her old one. 

What is Retroactive Interference?


Cody found that it was easier to remember the definition of a word when he applied a more meaningful way to remember it. What form of processing did Cody use? 

What is Deep Processing?


After Elisabeth did poorly on his math test, he felt a strong dislike for his math teacher. His mood on his math test effected his mood towards his teacher. This is an example of what?

What is Mood Congruence?


An increase in a cell's firing potential after brief and rapid stimulation and a neural basis for learning and memory.

What is long-term potentiation?


A trusted friend told Jason the wrong definitions to every term on his English final, so Jason failed. This is an example of...

What is the Misinformation Effect?


The loss of memories before obtaining amnesia. 

What is Retrograde Amnesia?


Mr. Wilson, our math teacher, just taught us how to solve a specific algebra equation. We were tested right after and this helped to improve our memory on the algebra equation in the future. What effect does this example illustrate?

What is the Testing Effect?


What information do we automatically process?

What is space, time, and frequency?