...In the Criminal Justice System
This is the learning phase of memory. It deals with how information is treated by the brain to form a stable representation that can be brought back to the mind.
What is encoding
I am the researcher associated with the misinformation effect. I conducted several studies on the fallibility of memory and how it affects the criminal justice system.
Who is Elizabeth Loftus
We are deaf children who use our own type of sign language
Who are home-signers
When a witness gives a testimony with a lot of detail, high confidence, and expresses emotion this is an indication of what?
The testimony may not be true
The type of memory associated with how to do certain things (e.g. how to drive a car)
What is procedural memory
The remembering stage of memory
What is retrieval
This research initiative seeks to exonerate those who have been falsely accused of a crime (often by faulty witness testimony)
What is Innocence Project
The lack of this behavior may be evidence of a developmental delay in children.
What is gesture use
This is the type of questions police officers should ask when conducting a line-up for an eyewitness
What are open-ended questions
Susan Goldin-Meadow's research shows that the use of gestures may reflect this in children
What is readiness to learn
Type of memory associated with facts, meaning, concepts, and knowledge about the world.
What is semantic memory
This is the inaccuracy in memory that is caused by erroneous information provided after an event. Developed by Elizabeth Loftus.
What is Misinformation Effect
I am the chimp who was taught to use ASL. They made a documentary about my life.
Who is Nim Chimpsky
This argues that we visualize an incident to answer question and add information (reconstruct memory) that matches the presuppositions made in the question.
What is the construction hypothesis
This is the decay of memory, can happen at any stage of memory
What is forgetting
Type of Memory of specific events & personal experiences
What is Episodic memory
Goldin-Meadow's research on gestures found that gestures are first used to convey ideas and then are used to ...
what is enrich ideas/thoughts
Although ground breaking in some aspects, the results of project Nim did not support Terrace's hypothesis that chimps could learn sign language. He instead found that they ...
stayed in the imitative stage of language learning
This difference, among other things, can affect a witness' ability to identify the correct perpetrator in a line-up
What is racial differences between perpetrator and witness
In Goldin-Meadow's research with home-signers, she found that hearing parents and home-signers differed in what way?
What is gestures of home-signers resemble language structure, parents' gestures don't.
The phenomenon in which a person remembers facts but not remember how/when you learned them
What is source amnesia
We are most susceptible to false memory planting
Who are children, the elderly, people who have lapses in memory and attention, those with vivid visual imagery abilities.
This task, developed by Terrace, demonstrated that rhesus monkeys had advanced cognitive abilities.
What is the simultaneous chaining paradigm (SCP)
This is the percentage of wrongful convictions that are due to faulty eyewitness testimony
What is 75%
Goldin-Meadow's research tells us that children use gestures to..
What is elicit words from parents, improve learning outcomes.