The inability to form new after a brain, is called this type of amnesia.
What is anterograde amnesia?
This forgetful blue fish embarks on an oceanwide journey to reunite with her family despite struggling with short-term memory loss.
What is Finding Dory?
Information not getting into long-term memory is known as this.
What is encoding failure?
The sixth letter in this sentence
This type of amnesia causes a person to lose past memories but still allows them to form new ones.
What is retrograde amnesia?
Adam Sandler falls for a woman with anterograde amnesia, meaning he has to win her heart every day in this 2004 romantic comedy.
What is 50 First Dates?
An ancient library in egypt that burned down.
The Library of Alexandria
Old information blocks out new information in this kind of interference.
What is proactive interference?
the b in y = mx + b
Y- intercept of the line.
Most adults can remember events from early childhood due to this type of memory loss, which affects nearly everyone.
What is infantile amnesia?
Investigating a psychiatric facility in 1954, Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio) slowly unravels the truth about himself his mind has worked hard to bury.
What is Shutter Island?
The Planet in our solar system with the most moons.
This process causes us to revise our own histories, often the parts around traumatic events.
What is repression?
The dad in Family Guy
This type of amnesia involves the ability to recall specific traumatic or stressful events, even though general memory function remains intact.
What is dissociative amnesia
After a painful breakup, Joel Barish (Jim Carrey) undergoes a procedure to erase all memories of his ex-girlfriend only to realize mid-process that he wants to keep them in this 2004 film.
What is the Eternal Sunlight of the Spotless Mind?
The Stapes
In this type of interference new learning interferes with old learning.
What is retroactive interference?
The Answer to Row 100.
The famous amnesia patient Henry Molaison lost the ability to form new memories after undergoing surgery that removed parts of this brain structure, crucial for memory formation.
What is the hippocampus?
Told in reverse, this 2000 thriller follows Leonard Shelby (Guy Pierce) as he hunts his wifes killer while relying on Polaroids and tattoos to make up for his short-term memory loss.
What is Shutter Island?
A Paradox in quantum physics about a cat being dead and alive simultaneously.
Encoding failure occurs here in the process of storing memories.
Where is after short-term memory storage, and before long-term memory storage (between the two).
The show mentioned in row 300.
Family Guy