Taking a multiple-choice is measuring memory in this type of way.
What is Recognition?
Austin is actively listening while his professor lectures about long-term memory.
Is this encoding, storage or retrieval?
What is encoding?
What is Sensory Memory?
Shannon and Amy recall the time they went to AstroWorld when they were in 8th grade.
What is Episodic Memory?
Alice categorizes her grocery list into fruits, vegetables, dairy, meat, bread, snacks, drinks and baked goods to make her shopping experience quicker and easier.
What is Chunking?
Angie was daydreaming when her mom taught her how to make lasagna, she thought because she watched her she would remember, however cannot. What happened because she was not paying attention?
What is Encoding Failure?
Luke has to recite the Bill of Rights in front of the classroom. His teacher is measuring his memory this way.
What is Recall?
At the beginning of the school day students are required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
What is encoding, storage or retrieval?
What is Retrieval?
This type of memory can hold 7-10 items for about 20-30 seconds.
What is Short-Term Memory?
The other terms for Declarative and Non-Declarative memory.
What is Explicit and Implicit memory?
Kennedy memorized the flowchart for Long-Term memory for her exam.
What is Visual Memory?
Brent cannot remember the name of the actor in a show he is watching, however he has said this actors name many times. What is happening?
What is "Tip-of-the-Tongue?
Aaron stayed up all night to study for his government exam and most likely is not going to retain most of the information because he engaged in _________ practice. He did study 15 minutes a day over a period of two weeks for his psychology exam as he engaged in ______________ practice and is most likely going to remember a good portion of the information he studied.
What is massed and distributed?
John learned his bank account number.
Is this encoding, storage or retrieval?
What is Storage?
This type of memory is considered "nearly permanent".
What is Long-Term Memory?
Declarative (Explicit) memory is the ____________ recollection of facts, while Non-Declarative (Implicit) is the ____________ process of retrieving information to perform learned skills.
What is conscious and unconscious?
Semantic Networks use ________________ rehearsal to connect information with other pieces of information to aid in the memory process.
What is Elaborative?
Addison thought her Algebra teacher said there was a test tomorrow, when in reality it was her U.S. History teacher. What happened?
What is a Source Monitoring Error?
Children in a preschool classroom are singing along with a song about the ABC's. The children are accessing this part of their working memory.
What is the Phonological Loop?
Carlos is watching the cartoon "Tom and Jerry".
Is this encoding, storage or retrieval?
What is encoding?
This type of memory consists of echoic and iconic memory.
What is Sensory Memory?
Josh recalls that Pearl Harbor was attacked on December 7, 1941.
What is Semantic Memory?
When a person uses the acronym ROY G BIV to remember the colors of the rainbow a person they are using this type of memory device.
What are Mnemonics?
Wyatt memorized the rivers in the United States when he was in 6th grade, now he is a senior in high school and can only remember a few of the rivers. How would a psychologist explain what happened?
What is the Decay Theory?
Justin can easily drive to and from school everyday using this part of his working memory.
What is the Visual-Spatial Sketchpad?
Shane memorized and now has to recite a prayer for his upcoming confirmation.
Is this encoding, storage or retrieval?
What is retrieval?
John can drive to and from work without looking at directions.
What is Working Memory?
Seeing a knife may prompt you to think of fork.
What is Priming?
Leo can recite the "Our Father" prayer without really thinking about it. He has _______________ this prayer.
What is Overlearned?
Coach Jones changed his password for his email, however every time he logs in, he does with his old password. What is happening here?
What is Proactive Interference?
Sarah is trying to decide what kind of steak and sides she wants to order at Texas Roadhouse. What part of working memory is she accessing?
What is the Central Executive?
This brain structure is important to strong emotional memories.
What is the Amygdala?
Wyatt remembers he had a turkey and cheese sandwich for lunch yesterday.
What is short-term memory?
Driving a car is this type of long-term memory.
What is Procedural Memory?
The __________________ is when false or misleading information changes a person's memory of an event. This can happen in many real-life situations, like eyewitness testimony.
What is the Misinformation Effect?
Lisa is asked what her address was 10 years ago and cannot remember it. What is happening?
What is Retroactive Interference?
Julia knows what a door is and how to use it, she is accessing an object ____________________.
What is a Schema?
This brain structure plays an important role in procedural memories.
What is the Cerebellum?
Shelby adds up the cost of items in her grocery cart to cost about $50.
What is Working Memory?
These two men identified that human memory consists of sensory, short-term and long-term memory.
Who are Atkinson and Shiffrin?
This brain structure plays an important role in memories consolidating from short-term to long-term memory.
What is the Hippocampus?
Sarah forgot that her house burned down when she was three years old. What has happened?
What is Motivated Forgetting or Repression?