What Memories are Made Of
Memory Supermodels: NOT
Part of The Process
Help, Get it Out!
Forgetting or Not Using It
I've been told I can receive, organize, store, and retrieve information.
What is Memory
The activation of information that people already have in storage to help them remember new information better and faster
What is Priming
Two of the ways that can be used to increase capacity and duration for short term memory.
What is Chunking and Maintenance Rehearsal
It's a stimulus for remembering
What is Retrieval Cue?
Asked participants to learn a list of words that varied in length from 10 to 40 based of memory!
Who is Murdock ?
All hope is lost! All information was gone in a second or two!
What is Sensory Memory
I've been told I have 3 different systems. Sensory Memory, Short term memory, Long term memory
What is Atkinson-Shiffrin theory
A persons knowledge about the world, including his or hers areas of expertise; general knowledge, such as of things learned in school, and everyday knowledge
What is Semantic Memory?
Information that must be pulled from memory with few external cues.
What is Recall?
Memory loss for a segment of the past but not for a new events
What is Retrograde Amnesia
You can't form a memory unless I'm first in the memory process.
What is Encoding
As a schizophrenic, I've been told that I process word meanings at a "deeper level" Shallow Intermediate Deep !
What is Levels of Processing Model
These are the two types of explicit memory.
What is Eposodic and Semantic
Remembering information from the past
What is Retrospective Memory?
Concentrating on more than one activity at the same time
What is Divided Attention?
They're not here anymore. They moved from sensory memory to this place.
What is Short Term Memory
Use of this type of memory only lasts a fraction of a second.
What is Iconic Memory
You haven't tried to roller skate since the age of 10. Yesterday you tore up the track at Rocket Lanes and flew around the track knocking little kids all over the place. This type of memory was used for that skate.
What is Procedural Memory
A memory disorder that affects the retention of new information and events
What is Anterograde Amnesia?
The two types of "before" and "after" theories that interfere with memory retrieval.
What is Proactive and Retroactive Interference
I've been altered in the brain a bit, and can remember a whole lot of stuff!
What is Long Term Memory
Situation in which material that was learned later disrupts the retrieval of information that was learned earlier.
What is Retroactive Interference?
are Vivid, detailed memories of events associated with strong emotions.
What is Flashbulb Memory?
Looking at or hearing information and matching it to what is already in memory.
What is Recognition
The loss of memory
What is Amnesia ?