This country is home to the largest rainforest in the world, the Amazon.
What is: Brazil
What is the largest bone in the human body?
What is: Femur
What is the only organ in the human body that can fully regenerate.
What is the name of the fictional Princeton-Plainsboro doctor known for his sarcasm and diagnostic genius?
What is: Dr. Gregory House
True or False: You should tilt your head back to stop a nosebleed.
What is: False - you should lean forward to prevent swallowing blood.
The only country in the world that covers an entire continent.
What is: Australia
Which bone is commonly known as the funny bone?
What is: the Humerus (definitely intended)
How many times does the average human heart beat per day?
What is: Around 100,000 times
In "Grey's Anatomy," what specialty does Meredith Grey ultimately pursue?
What is: General Surgery
True or False: Eating turkey makes you sleepy because of tryptophan.
What is: False - turkey contains no more tryptophan than other meats; Thanksgiving drowsiness is mostly due to overeating.
This country banned chewing gum to keep its streets clean.
What is: Singapore
Which bone is the only one in the body that is not directly connected to another?
What is: Hyoid bone
What is the longest recorded time someone survived without a heartbeat before being revived?
6 hours (due to extreme hypothermia)
Which movie features a doctor preforming surgery with only vodka and a Swiss Army knife?
What is: Rambo: First Blood.
Can you get sick from going outside with wet hair?
What is: No - colds are caused by viruses, not cold temperatures
This is the only country with a non-rectangular flag.
What is: Nepal
The smallest bone in the human body is located where?
What is: In the ear (the stapes)
Your body produces enough saliva in a lifetime to fill how many swimming pools?
What is: Around two Olympic-sized pools!
What is the name of the 1991 thriller where a doctor is wrongly accused of murder and must find the real killer?
What is: The Fugitive
What actually causes knuckles to "crack"?
What is: Gas bubbles in the synovial fluid collapsing, not "bone grinding."
Despite its name, this country has zero lakes-not even one!
What is: Saudi Arabia
What is the medical term for a fracture where the none breaks through the skin?
What is: Compound fracture
What strange material was used as the first artificial heart valve in the 1950s?
What is: Ball bearings coated in silicone rubber
In "Scrubs," what is the name of the hospital where JD and Turk work?
What is: Sacred Heart.
Does drinking milk increase mucus production?
What is: No - milk thickens saliva but doesnt create more mucus.