The minimum hourly wage for employers with 26+ imployees in LA
Roblox release year
TikTok was released in the US in this year.
Up to x percent of all IG accounts are bots
State with lowest cost of living in US
Name one of the two most popular Roblox games of 2020
Meep City, Jailbreak
TikTok's original name
The top 5 most followed IG accounts (name one to win)
1. Instagram
2. Cristiano Ronaldo3. Ariana Grande
4. Dwayne Johnson
5. Selena Gomez
This country has the highest number of confirmed cases
State with highest cost of living in the US
Roblox Corporation is headquartered in this city in California.
San Mateo, CA (in the San Francisco Bay Area)
TikTok's parent company is based in this country.
The most uploaded type of photo on Instagram
COVID-19 stands for:
COrona VIrus Disease 2019
Country with highest cost of living
Cayman Islands
The name of Roblox Corporation's CEO
David Baszucki
As of 4/17/2020, there have been x number of deaths related to TikTok challenges.
The most popular emoji on IG
This country in Asia first used drive-in testing centers for COVID-19.
South Korea
Country with lowest cost of living
Stanford University
TikTok moderators were instructed to suppress posts from people in these three categories (name at least one to win)
"Ugly, Poor or Disabled"
Best time and day of week to post on IG in terms of engagement is
Wednesday, 5PM
The practice of maintaining a 6-ft distance from other people is called:
Social Distancing