The Men's Fed

Name the Day, Time and Location of the men's forum?

Every Tuesday, 7-8pm via Conference Call


Which team had the best record in the NBA this Season?

Boston Celtics


How does someone receive Salvation (become saved from going to hell)?

Confess with their mouth, & Believe in their Heart in Jesus Christ - Romans 10:9-10, 

9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.


Name one unity t-shirt that we wear at Grace?

Got Grace, PTYD, San Diego or Christ, Born Blessed, etc.


In 2023 the Men's Fed went on a Trip? Name one place that they went together.

Men's Shopping Trip in LA, LA Fashion District


Which player has been rumored during the 2024 season to be the next Michael Jordan?

Anthony Edwards


Name one scripture that mentions coming together as believers (any scripture, new or old testament acceptable; reference not needed, just describe).

Various Answers


Name two calling scriptures of Grace Covenant Christian Church

Isaiah 61:1, 1 Peter 2:9-10, John 17:21, 1 Cor. 1:10


Name 2 benefits that you or a male can receive in attending the Men's Forum?

Various Answers


Which NBA player was the first to be selected straight out of high school in the modern draft era?

Kevin Garnett


True or False: The Bible Says that:
1) God will give you the power to make wealth,
2) that money solves a lot of problems, and
3) that money is the root of all evil.

False: Both 1 & 2 are correct (Duet 8:18 & Ecc. 10:19). But 3 - The LOVE of money is the root of all evil (not money itself); 1 Tim. 6:10.


True or False: Dairy is needed in the diet of a healthy adult male?

False: Though Dairy is a part of America's historic food pyramid, and diary may have some vitamins that can be helpful, it is not essential, and can actually cause health issues/concerns in many human males.


What's the Men's Fed Slogan? (Hint: It's Short)

" 'Til the Last Breathe!"


How many years do players need to be retired before being eligible for hall of fame induction?



What was one of Jesus last commandments to us on earth, given after his resurrection?

Make disciples of all the nations and baptize them (Matt 28:19)


Which NBA team had the worst record this NBA 23-24 Season?

Detroit Pistons; 14-67 and a 28-game losing streak. The losing streak tied the NBA's all-time record and set the record for a single season.


What Year did the Men's Federation Begin?



4 players have recorded a quadruple-double, name two?

Hakeem Olajuwon, David Robinson, Nate Thurmond and Alvin Robertson,


Order These Events in Revelations

- Anti-Christ Makes Peace Treaty for 7 years

- Rapture

- Jesus returns and Satan chained for 1,000 years

- Anti-Christ breaks peace and persecutes church 

- Satan loosed to deceive world

God places Satan in Lake of Fire & Great Judgement at end.


Anti-Christ Makes Peace Treaty for 7 years (broken in 3/12 years)

Anti-Christ persecutes church & Israel

Jesus returns blocks killing Israel nation

1,000 year reign

Satan loosed

God places Satan in Lake of Fire & Great Judgement at end.


According to studies on life longevity, What is one of the number one things men (and humans) can do to extend their lives by an additional 15 years on average? (Hint: It is not related to diet)

Live in Community with Others - Have consistent people you are around and share community with extends life on average 15 years - no diet, supplement, or medicine has this high of a success rate on life... Yet we do it weekly in the men's forum and at church...